Friday, July 2, 2010

Meet FOX News' latest contributor - Ted Nugent

Ted Nugent performs in concert at Club Revolution in Fort Lauderdale Florida on June 29, 2010. UPI/Michael Bush Photo via Newscom

Sometimes it seems as if FOX News does not even attempt to be a legitimate news organization -- which it isn't. At times they seem to grab anyone off the street to talk about politics. Ray Stevens, author of the of culturally sensitive "Ahab the Arab," was called on "The O'Reilly Factor" to talk about political correctness. And now America's favorite neo-fascist Sean Hannity, has called on barely sane rocker Ted Nugent to bash the Obama administration.

Nugent accuses President Barack Obama of spitting on the flag, the Bill of Rights and the 10 Commandments. Nugent has also advocated executing Obama and Hillary Clinton . By the way wasn't it the Bush adminstration who decided to arrest American citizens and hold them indefinetly without trial?

The only thing he didn't accuse Obama of is raping an apple pie. Nugent's rant is highly ironic since he has multiple marriages behind him, a kid out of wedlock, and also dodged the draft. According to an interview with the British Independent newspaper Nugent literally crapped his pants to get out of going to Vietnam, Nugent's views are so far the right, he would fit perfectly in Nazi Germany. His solution to the Iraq war? "Nagasaki" them! And this is who FOX chooses to give political opinion?

FOX must believe that it's viewers are thick-headed enough to actually believe Nugent's B.S. I am not sure if he does, or if he is following the Glenn Beck method of saying mindless crap to sell books. Sorry Ted, if you ever want to be taken seriously, you're going to have to do better than that. Some of us actually read and check the facts, unlike most FOX News viewers.

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G.A. Afolabi is a progressive blogger based on the Left Coast.