Sunday, January 31, 2010

Witness in GOP Voting Fraud Case Died in Plane Crash

I am a big fan of political thrillers and I love conspiracy shows like "The X-Files," "Fringe" and Jesse Ventura's "Conspriacy Theory." It's easy to dismiss conspiracy theories, but I believe truth is often stranger than fiction. Watergate sounds like a cheap pulp novel, but the fact is it happened. Just last week, a team of GOP operatives, lead by "filmmaker" James O'Keefe, was busted posing as telephone repair men and attempting to bug the offices of Sen. Mary Landrieu.

It seems that the Obama administration has agreed to overlook the many crimes of the Bush administration. One of those crimes was allegations of vote rigging in Ohio, which was a critical swing state. Although unemployment was high in 2004, the state still mysteriously voted for Bush. There were many complaints of faulty voting machines in black neighborhoods, and electronic votes dissapearing. Here are some facts:

Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, who was in charge of verifying votes in the state, was a member of the Bush campaign. He also gave a $100 million contract to Diebold to supply voting machines.
  • Diebold was also a major campaign donor to Bush. Blackwell also had shares in Diebelold when he awarded them the contract, which is a major conflict of interest.
  • Blackwell also hired Mike Connell, a GOP IT guru, who had a long history with the Bush family, to set up a state web site that provided election information. Connell's company GovTech, received a contract from Blackwell.
Blackwell is facing several lawsuits involving his actions in the 2004 Ohio elections. Connell was subpoened to testify in a case involving election tampering, but he died in a December 2008 plane crash, before he could appear in court. (Convenient don't you think?) Before his death, Connell said that his life was being threatened and his family has called for an investigation. There is an article in the February issue of Maxim, which details the mystery surrounding the death of Mike Connell, and his connection to the Ohio election.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Poll Says FOX News is Most Trusted News Source

74 Percent of Poll Responder Where White

Here is a sign of the apocalypse, if the ever was one. A recent poll by Public Policy Polling states that FOX News is the most trusted news source. Yes, I had to read that twice too. The poll states that 49 percent of the responders said they trusted FOX News and 37 percent of responders said they did not trust FOX. Not surprisingly, 74 percent of Republicans said they trusted FOX, compared to only 30 percent of Democrats. The polls also shows that only 33 percent of African American voters trusted FOX News.

CNN was the next most trusted news source, with 39 percent saying they trusted it, compared to 41 percent who didn't. 59 percent of Democrats said they trusted CNN, while 33 percent of Independents and only 23 percent of Republicans said they found CNN credible. Public Policy Polling surveyed 1,151 registered voters from Jan. 18-19.

Polls can be designed to say whatever you want. We don't know what part of the country the responders came from. I am sure California voters would respond differently to Alabama voters. The racial breakdown of the responders to the poll is illuminating. 74 percent of responders where white, 12 percent where African American and 10 percent where Hispanic. So a poll of mainly white men stated that they found FOX News the most credible news source. This is not surprising since 95 percent of FOX viewers are white, and their programming is tailored to angry, white men.

You also have to factor the stupidity of the average American. (Most Americans can't pick out Europe on the map, and can't tell you the difference between Iraq or Iran, talk less of locating them on the map.) I don't know how anyone with a half-functioning brain could think that FOX is a credible news source. I knew our education system was in trouble, but we should all be worried when Americans considered the notoriously-biased FOX News as a credible news source.

This is the channel that gave us Glenn Beck, a host who can't even spell oligarch correctly. Beck also peddles a different conspiracy theory every night. And they also made Sarah Palin, a woman who thought Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9-11, a pundit.

There are numerous other incidents of FOX news error that would get a rookie reporter fired such as:
  • Referring to Rep. Mark Foley, the congressman busted for sexually harassing minors, as a Democrat. (This is not the only time they have misidentified a disgraced Republican as a Democrat.)
  • Running a story claiming then Sen. Barack Obama attended a Muslim school, which was later discredited by CNN.
  • Accusing the Obamas of performing a "terrorist" fist bump.
  • Running fake footage of the Tea Party rally to make the numbers seem larger.
  • Deliberately editing footage to create misleading quotes.
Check out Media Matters for more of FOX's never-ending lists of journalistic sins.

Monday, January 25, 2010

FOX News Responds To Haiti Criticism By Making Homophobic Jokes

Never underestimate the depths to with the "journalists" at FOX News will sink to. The network has received widespread criticism from media watchers for its lack of coverage of the Haiti earthquake tragedy. While more than 20 networks picked up the Haiti telethon, FOX News, which brags about being the no. 1 news network, ignored it. Nielsen ratings show that 95 percent of FOX viewers are white, so I guess the FOX News directors figured their viewers wouldn't be interested in a story about poor, dead black people.

Right-wing watchdog Media Matters picked up on FOX's lack of coverage and tallied how few hours they dedicated to the earthquake. In response, Greg Gutfield, host of "Red Eye" created an animated piece which depicted David Brock, founder of Media Matters, talking about masturbating with a male intern.

Brock, a former conservative writer, came out of the closet several years ago and has been open about his sexuality. Evidently, he does not have a problem with his sexual preference, although FOX does.

It's telling that FOX should react to Media Matter's criticism by making homophobic jokes. In his book "Blinded by the Right," Brock says that the right is riddled with closeted homosexuals, and this has been reinforced by the scandals involving Larry Craig, Mark Foley, Ted Haggard and Jeff Gannon. And if you thought those were bad, that was just the tip of the ice berg. There are still many closeted GOP politicians such as Florida Gov. Charlie Crist and South Carolina Lt. Gov. Andre Brauer. Many of these stories are highlighted on Mike Roger's Blog Active, a site that outs closeted politicians who vote against gay issues.

Overt homophobia is a classic sign of a self-loathing, closeted gay. But apart from the obvious reason behind the attack, FOX News never denied the fact that Media Matters' claim was accurate.

Alarmist Root Article Claims Obama Paving Way for Palin Presidency

Sen. McCain concedes presidency to Sen. Obama in Phoenix, Arizona
Sometimes left wing blogs can really get on my nerves, especially when they start going over the top with their anti-Obama diatribes. The Root, a web site that is geared towards African American news, recently printed a ridiculously alarmist story claiming that Barack Obama's screw ups are guarnateeing a Sarah Palin presidency.

Firstly, Palin has not come out and said she will run in 2012 and secondly, there is no guarantee that she will make it through the gruelling primary process. Palin has a reputation for quitting when the going gets tough and she attracts scandals the same way Tiger Wood's attracts bimbos.

In addition, 2012 is still two years away. There is still plenty of time for the economy to improve. Plus Jon Jeter, author of the Root article, is discounting Obama's popularity. The country is changing and becoming browner, while the GOP seems to be digging in its heels by becoming more conservative and sticking to it's base -- angry white people. Just look at the success of the Tea Baggers.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Change Congress Says Money Has Ruined American Political System

US Capitol Is Shown While Senate Remains On Break

Here is a video that you need to forward to all of your politically-active friends. Larry Lessig, a Stanford Law professor, is co-founder of an organization called Change Congress. Lessig has created a YouTube video which nails the problem with Congress.

Lessig said that the problem is not who is in power, but who controls them. Basically, Lessig argues that Congress is controlled by the people who write the checks. They are the real power, so right now we have government which does not listen to it's people, but listens to the special interests and lobbyist who control them. Lessig also points out that President Barack Obama has identified the problem and mentioned it one of his campaign speeches.

Lessig argues that we will never get health care reform, climate change legislation, smaller government or financial regulation, unless the system changes. Change Congress is arguing that the only way that government can be returned to the people is by public funded elections, or by only allowing small $100 donations from individuals.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Supreme Court Decisions Puts Another Nail Into American Democracy

Supreme Court Strikes Down Camapaign Finance Limits

For years left-wing activist have been complaining about money being the biggest problem in American politics. Right now, we do not have an elective democracy. The American political system is controlled by money. Candidates are judged not on whether they are electable, but by how much money they can raise. Barack Obama's success was partially down to the fact that he was able to raise large amounts of money, and even out raise Sen. John McCain. (Usually it's Democrats who are unable to keep up with Republican fundraising efforts.)

Obama took money from Wall Street and health care insurance companies, which probably explains why he was hesitant to reign in the excesses of the banking industry, and the reason why we got a watered-down health care bill. This is how it works in American politics. The voters have an idea, then corporations give millions of dollars to lobbyists who kill that idea.

Unfortunately, it cost millions of dollars to run a campaign, so politicians are dependant on campaign donations to put together an effective political team. Flyers, political advertising and campaign workers aren't free.

The Supreme Court's recent decision is a slap in the face of American voters. They have lifted the restrictions on campaigns by corporations, claiming it restricts free speech. Now corporations are free to spend millions, if not billions, to influence a campaign. We do not have democracy now, but are living in the age of corpotracy. There used to be a veil of pretense, but now it's out in the open.

In a further indication of the motivation behind this, the five judges who voted in favor were the same judges who ruled in favor of George W. Bush during the Florida recount court case.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

O'Reilly Laments the Days When You Could Make Fun of Arabs

FOX news really scrapes the bottom of the barrel when it comes to pundits. (They hired Sarah Palin after all.) But recently Bill O'Reilly took the cake, when he brought on country music fossil Ray Stephens to discuss his song "Ahab the Arab." O'Reilly actually went on to complain about the fact that Americans could not make fun of ethnic minorities like they could back in the 60s. Yes, really. It should be no surprise that according to New York Times columnist Charles Blow, Nielsen rating show that 95 percent of FOX's audience is white. So the next time someone asks you where the White Entertainment Television channel, point them towards FOX News.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Journalist Says Religious Right Sowed the Seeds for American Fascism

Faithful Gather For Funeral Of Jerry Falwell

Pat Robertson, one of the leading voices
in the American Evangelical movement

If you ever wondered where the Teabbaggers, deathers and other angry, white men came from, Chris Hedges has the answer. In his book, "American Fascists," he details how Conservative Christians could easily move the nation towards fascism. He also adds that the dire economic situation, which President Barack Obama inherited, has left a landscape full of angry, disenfranchised American workers.

Many of these workers, believe that these are the last days, and Barack Obama is the Anti-Christ. The Christian Right's apocalyptic fantasy appeals to them.

The Evangelical movement partnered with corporatists to produce the Bush administration, which moved America as close to fascism as we have ever come. The Bush government had many of the characteristics of a fascist regime. Authoritarian government, check; melding of the state and corporate interests, check; and accusing dissenters of being unpatriotic, check.

If the idea of a Christian-dominated authoritarian government doesn't frighten you, consider this. American Evangelicals motivated legislation in Uganda that called for the execution of gays. I can easily imagine an American Fascist party calling for the ejection of people from certain countries. Republican congressman J. Gresham Barett has already introduced legislation that calls for the expulsion of legal residents from countries linked with terrorism. And you also have right-wing commentators, such as Anne Coulter who have called for the execution of traitorous liberals.

The scary thing about this movement is the power of religion and how dangerous it can be when mixed with a far-right agenda. If a pastor stood up in church and told his congregation that God had instructed him to kill all the gays and Muslims, I am afraid that many people would follow his instructions.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Is the Shock Doctrine Being Used on American Workers?

Advertising for a Job

If you are one of the millions of Americans currently unemployed, you are facing one of the worst job markets in more than 50 years.

Randi Rhodes, a liberal talk show host, has said that the economy was deliberately crashed as a way to drive down the wages of American workers. That might sound like a conspiracy theory, but that's currently happening.

Since there are so many unemployed people, workers are willing to take huge pay cuts. So the person who used to demand $50,000 is now willing to work for $30,000. In many cases employers are laying off mid-level workers and replacing them with fresh college grads, who will work for almost half the pay. In many career fields, wages has been devalued.

Left-wing journalist Naomi Klein describes this practise as the "shock doctrine." She writes about this in her book, "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism." She came up with this theory after reporting on the Iraq war and witnessing how many corporations profited from the chaos left after the war. Klein also writes that since the Iraqi population was still reeling from a lightening-fast war, they were too cowed to protest.

Klein says that interrogators in Iraq also used the same procedure on prisoners. Keep them in state of shock and disorientation so they are more likely to be compliant. The same thing has happened to American workers. We have been pummelled by the near crash of the stock market, terrorism, the crash of the mortgage industry and the housing market, and the failure of several auto companies.

This economic chaos has left the American worker scared, dazed and confused -- essentially in a state of shock. So now desperate workers are willing to work for half the pay and no benefits, or work for nothing at all. And who profits? The corporations because they are getting the same work for half the pay, which means more profits for them.

FOX News Gives Viewers What They Want To Hear-- Even if It's Not True

2008 Summer TCA Tour - Day 7

Some of the best analysis of the United States media, comes from foreign sources, because they are often able to look at American news objectively.

Russia Today is an English language station broadcast out of Russia. They do a lot of news on America politics and the American media. In this interview with writer Michael Wolff, he explains why the American news media is dying.

Wolff says in today's climate, in order for a news organization to thrive, it has to understand its audience, and give them what they want. This is the reason why FOX News has been so successful. They have figured out their demographic -- angry, uneducated, white men -- and tailored their news to them.

So that means lots of anti-Obama and anti-Black stories, lots of leggy, blonde "newsmodels" and lots of stories about the Tea Party, which is largely made up of angry, white people. Who cares if any of the news is accurate or objective? According to Wolff, FOX's main goal is to get ratings, so it can sell products.

He also points out that advertising rates on FOX are lower than CNN's, because the FOX demographic is supposed have less education, and therefore less buying power!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

STEP Act Would Expel Legal Residents From Certain Countries

Rep. J. Gresham Barett

Innocent Legal Residents from Iran, Yemen, Cuba, Sudan Would Be Targeted

I took a double take when I first saw this, but apparently Rep. J. Gresham Barrett (R-S.C.) has introduced a bill called the Stop Terrorist Entry Program (STEP) Act, which bars entry of citizens of Cuba, Iran, Yemen, Sudan and Syria. The STEP Act will also require legal residents from these countries to leave the country, even if they have not committed a crime!

Apart from being a major human rights faux paux, this proposed bill would also tear apart families and eject people in this country who haven't broken any laws. I guess the movie "The Siege" was fairly accurate when it depicted interment camps for Arab Americans. It seems as if the United States has not learned any of the lessons from internment of Japanese citizens in World War II.

I doubt if this bill could ever make it through the House, let alone the Senate, and if it was ever passed it would be a boon to lawyers, who would get rich through class action law suits against the government.

But Sinclair Lewis was right when he said, "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross."

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Black People Shouldn't Be Surprised By Reid's Offensive Comments

Obama, Congressional leaders meet on economy, jobs in Washington

Senate majority leader Harry Reid is catching a lot of flak for comments he made about President Barack Obama. Reid, who claims he was an early backer of Obama, praises Obama for "being light-skinned," and "not speaking in Negro dialect."

These comments are quite stunning, but not totally surprising. When it comes to race it seems that the white men running both parties often had the same condescending views on black people. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich recently said that many Republicans are uncomfortable with Republican National Committee Chair Michael Steele, because he comes from "a different background." Obama faced fierce opposition from Hilary supporters who refused to get behind a black man.

Reid has already apologised for his gaffe, but the damage has been done. Reid is already on thin ice, and this scandal might push him over the edge. But people should not be surprised, Reid belongs to a church that would not ordain black men until 1978, and then only under pressure from the U.S. government. Brigham Young, one of the founding fathers of the Mormon Church, also believed that black people had the "mark of Cain" on them and had "been cursed by god."

U.S. Foreign Policy, War on Terror Doom Us to Vicious Cycle

President Obama Makes Surprise Visit To White House Press Corps

Helen Thomas tried to get to the root causes of terrorism

Sometimes it seems the the War on Terror is akin to a game of Whack-A-Mole, only the hammers are cruise missiles and predator drones, and the moles have suicide vests.

The attempted Christmas suicide bombing and recent suicide bombing of a CIA station in Afghanistan indicates that these are not isolated incidents. There were also several incidents of both domestic and foreign terrorism under the Bush administration.

About six years ago, I was at a conference with Carlton Pearson, an evangelical preacher who been invited to the White House by President George W. Bush. Pearson said that the president was been misguided by his advisors, and didn't appreciate the complexity of the war he had entered. He said Americans would not truly understand the consequences of the War on Terror until they had to undergo bomb searches before they went into large gatherings.

An article by Ray McGovern, a former CIA officer turned minister, says the U.S. is missing the point on the War on Terror. He cites veteran journalist Helen Thomas, who pressed White House officials for a reason why young Muslims were willing to blow themselves up.

In his article McGovern says that counter terrorism advisor John Brennan waffled with the answer and laid the blame on Al-Qaeda perverting Islam and warping the minds of susceptible young men. McGovern says that the Brennan and the White House are missing the point. He argues that young Muslims are being radicalized not only by Al-Qaeda, but also in response to America's foreign policies.

The war in Iraq was once described as Al-Qaeda's greatest recruiting tool. Muslims are also angry at the U.S.' support of corrupt and dictatorial regimes in the Middle East, the bombing of civilians in Afghanistan and Israel's mistreatment of Palestinians. PR nightmares like Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo only fueled Muslim outrage towards the U.S.

The pragmatic attitude towards this problem would be sit down and negotiate some kind of equitable settlement, i.e. land for peace or withdrawing American troops from the Middle East. But that will be very difficult for President Barack Obama to do as he is dealing with a military industrial complex which sees war as good business, and a political and media class who sees talking to the enemy as being wimpy. Additionally, as Obama mentioned in his Nobel speech, I am not sure if you can negotiate with fanatics.

Another problem that Obama has to deal with is the fact that a large segment of the United States populace believes that Israel's policies are backed by God, and Jesus cannot return until Israel has reconquered all of it's original land.

I am not sure if the current War on Terror can be won by bombs and guns. The more Muslim terrorists we kill and the more innocent civilians killed by collateral damage, only creates more people willing to become suicide bombers.

The widow of the Jordanian doctor who detonated a bomb at a CIA base in Afghanistan said she is proud of him because he is now a martyr. With attitudes like that on one side, and attitudes like the ones expressed on FOX News (which advocate bombing, torturing and profiling, everyone who looks "Arab/Muslim.") I am afraid we are doomed to be stuck in a cycle of killing and revenge for a long time. Didn't anyone watch "Munich?"

Ron Paul Says American People Are Demanding Third Option

Rep. Ron Paul talks to CNN about former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's decision to speak at the Tea Party convention. (She is alleged to be collecting $100,000 for his speech.) Palin turned down the opportunity to speak at the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) convention alongside other Republican 2012 hopefuls, which may suggest that she is positioning herself to run as a third-party candidate.

I don't think Palin is a serious candidate and even if she ran on the third party ticket, she would only guarantee their failure. Palin creates drama every where she goes, and unlike Ronald Reagan, who was called the Teflon President because scandals never stuck to him, Palin is theVelcro Candidate who collects scandals the way nerds collect Star Wars figures. If the Teabbagers want to put their faith in a candidate as shallow as Palin, they have big problems.

Paul, a Republican with a libertarian streak, says that the main problem with the American political system is that both parties are too similar, especially when it comes to their views about the size of government and fiscal policies. He has some points, although I would argue that there is a big difference between a Republican party that started two wars and gave tax cuts to the rich, and a Democratic party, which is trying to push through health reform and middle class tax cuts.

Paul says that any third-party candidate will have a hard time breaking through the American political system. He said that even getting on the debates is difficult if you do not belong to either of the two parties.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Ex-Conservative Facing Death Threats

If there was any doubt that the American conservative movement has gone off the rails and is now feeding on itself like a bunch of crazy sharks, consider the case of Charles Johnson.

Johnson, the owner of the political blog, Little Green Footballs, made news last year when he penned an article laying out why he was washing hands of the right. He complaints included fascism, white supremacy, bigotry, rabid hatred of Obama and anti-science attitudes -- the usually stuff.

The story, while surprising, is not the first case of a political activist who had switched sides. Left-wing writers Arianna Huffington and David Brock, both started out as Conservatives. David Horowitz, once a hard-core leftist, is now a rabid right winger. However Johnson was hit by a flood of death threats and has now had to move to a gated community.

If there was ever a way to convince people you are not crazy, threating one of your own with violence is not it.

Grand Jury Investigating Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Controversial Maricopa Sheriff Joe Arpaio Visits The Inmate Tent City

Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Department of Justice officials moved closer to filing criminal charges against Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Arpaio has faced a slew of complaints including racial profiling and human rights abuses. He recently launched a campaign against his political opponents, local judges and attorneys, by charging them with racketeering.

The federal grand jury is calling for evidence from Sheriff's Department officers, including a captain and two deputies. Chances are that Sheriff Joe has probably made enough enemies and has enough dirt to put him away for a long time. Maricopa County has had to pay several civil judgements because of mistreatment of prisoners in jail.

The federal government was pressured by several civic groups and congressmen to launch this investigation. I suspect that they would not have called a grand jury, unless they expected to get a few scalps. I looks like Sheriff Joe's days in charge of Maricopa County law enforcement are numbered.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

O'Reilly Calls for Shoot First, Ask Questions Later Policy

Recently on "Countdown," Keith Olbermann again named Bill O'Reilly as the Worst Person in the World. This time it was arguing that terrorists don't deserve rights, and should be arrested, tortured and shot on the spot, with no trial.

Apart from the fact that this breaks about a dozen laws and is blatantly fascist, this attitude also leaves no room for error or intelligence gathering. But I guess that is not important when the people whose rights are being violated are Arabs. Guantanamo has proven to be a terrorist incubator, and if any Muslims weren't terrorists when they went in, after 18 months of torture they sure were.

Any intelligence officer worth his salt would rather keep a terrorist alive and squeeze them for as much information as possible. In addition, torture has been proven not to work. As I have mentioned before, if you shove a hot poker into someone's eye, he will probably tell you whatever you want to hear.

Maybe someone should tell the people at FOX, that "24" is a fiction show, and Jack Bauer's methods don't work in the real world.

Monday, January 4, 2010

FOX's Brit Hume Asks Tiger to Come to Jesus

2009 Australian Masters - Day 4

Brit Hume has hit the political chat show headlines for a comment he made on FOX News Sunday. I don't watch that junk, so I picked it up from other shows. Hume said that Tiger Woods, could redeem his image by converting to Christianity. According to Hume, Christianity has a clear path for cheating husbands to redeem their image. (Apparently Hume doesn't think that a weird religion like Buddhism, which Woods' practices, is good enough.)

Hume should know a lot about redemption, but he is not exactly a shining example of the virtues of Christianity. Like a lot of Conservatives, he is on his second marriage. (Karl Rove just divorced wife no. 2.) His son was gay, alcoholic and also committed suicide.

What is it with these Conservatives and gay children? Hume joins a long list of conservative, family values types who produce gay children. Apart from Hume, there is also Dick Cheney, Alan Keyes, Randall Terry (who also divorced his first wife for a younger woman,) and Phyllis Schlafly.

For years I have known that there was a secret gay Republican sub culture, however the Mark Foley and Larry Craig scandals blew the lid of it. Liberal writer Max Blumenthal documented the seamy underbelly of the Conservative movement in his book "Republican Gomorrah."

Apart from being just flat out over the line, Hume's response is also very offensive to Buddhists and people of other faiths. So after decades of colonialism and evangelism, and we still have old white men telling black people what religion to practice.

Surprise, Surprise A Racist Teabbager

The Teabbaggers have tried to strenously claim they are not racists, even though their rallies are a as devoid of brown faces as a J. Crew ad. But they seem to suffer the same problem as the Republican party who spawned them.

As much as they deny their problems with black people, the evidence keeps shooting them in the foot. Dale Robertson, a Teabbagers based out of Houston, is pictured with a sign that uses the N-word. On top of that, he didn't even spell the word correctly.

You can't make this stuff up. Teabbaggers responding by booting Robertson out of the party. Well, that is something.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Far-right News Site Says Obama is Planning Second Civil War

Obama outlines plans for 30,000 more troops in Afghanistan during West Point speech

Someone once said that if you follow the extremes of both the left and the right, they will eventually meet. It might be true, because towards the end of the Bush administration, rumors were going around on the left that Dubya was planning to declare martial law and extend his presidency.

That turned out not to be true, but now we have a Democrat in the White House, the people on the right are scared because they think Comrade Obama is going to launch his private army against the United States. That is the gist of this story from the European Union Times, a web site that looks legit, but is actually a news organization supporting a white supremacist agenda. It also features stories talking about "European pride" and the dangers of the rising Muslim birth rate.

The European Union Times recylcles the idea of Igor Panarin, a Russian political scientist who has been pushing a 10-year old theory that economic pressures will cause the United States to fracture. Glenn Beck will be interested to know that he shares the same ideas as a Russian crackpot.

Limbaugh Says American Health Care System is Best in the World

Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington

News reports say that Rush Limbaugh was rushed to hospital with chest pains while he on vacation in Hawaii. I debated whether to write about this, because it is not good to make fun of another person's suffering. But after Limbaugh came out with a politicized response to his recovery, all bets are off.

At a news conference, Limbaugh praised the hospital staff and said that "America has the best health care system in the world." What numbskull's like Limbaugh fail to mention is that America has the best health care system -- for people who can afford it. Limbaugh, a multi-millionaire, probably has a great health care package that covers in all kinds of situations, including emergency rooms visits. Even if his insurance only covers 80 percent of his bill, he can easily cover the rest of the costs.

The average America has a lousy insurance plan, which only covers part of the costs, leaving them stuck with huge medicals. They also have to deal with profit-driven health insurance companies, who make money by denying or delaying medical treatment. Remember Andrea Yates, the Texas mom who drowned her five children? Well Yates had severe mental problems and was recommended to be kept under medical care, unfortunately her medical coverage ran out and the health insurance company sent her back home. So lack of adequate coverage literally killed five children.

Many Americans have lost their jobs and insurance, and have to rely on emergency room visits. For many Americans, they simply cannot afford to see the doctors, and avoid going altogether until the problems becomes critical.


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G.A. Afolabi is a progressive blogger based on the Left Coast.