Saturday, February 27, 2010

GOP Lacking Decent Candidates for 2012

Newt Gingrich Discusses U.S. Budget Process In Washington

Newt Gingrich

While the mainstream media seems to fueling the story that the Democrats are in trouble, the Republicans are not exactly in great shape either. The recent CPAC poll shows the lack of viable Republican candidates for 2012. Rep. Ron Paul, a fan of the libertarian crowd, was the surprise winner of the poll, but he comes with all kinds of baggage.

Ron Paul, and his family, have been linked to racial scandals on at least three occasions. The latest thing I discovered was a picture of Paul arm-in-arm with Derek Black, a second generation white separatist, who ran for a GOP post in Florida. There is a saying from Ian Fleming's "Goldfinger," "Once is pure chance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action." So according to Paul's track record and the company he keeps, it seems clear where he stands.

The other candidate that conservatives are excited about is former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, the genius behind the Contract on America and impeachment of President Bill Clinton. When the smoke from the impeachment, cleared Gingrich and his replacement Rep. Dan Burton were both out of a job, and Clinton was still in office.

Gingrich, who has formed a PAC, also has a pretty messy personal life. He is currently on his third wife, and was having oral sex with a staffer, while he was trying to get Bill Clinton fired for the same thing. (He did this so he could claim that he was not extra martial intercourse.) Gingrich may believe that he washed away his sins by converting to Catholicism and confessing to Focus on the Family founder James Dobson, but I doubt if the media will be as forgiving.

The best candidate seems to be Mitt Romney, but he failed to capture the nomination last time. And with the Republican party currently being hijacked by the far right, I doubt if Romney or Paul could get elected. There is always the wild card Sarah Palin, but that seems to be more of a media story than anything else. Palin's poll numbers are abysmal, and she is too far right to win over moderate parts of the country.

It also seems that Republicans are beginning to cotton onto the fact that Palin is shallow. Bill O'Reilly recently said she needs to go back to "political college," and Jeb Bush said GOP candidates need to show "more intellectual curiosity." Who do you think he was referring to?

Friday, February 26, 2010

Klansman's Son Demands Seat On GOP Board

Ron Paul (left) and Derek Black (far right)

Derek Black Won 60 percent of the vote

I am sure Republicans who accidentally stumble across this blog may think I am deliberately running stories to make them look racially insensitive. All I can say is, I just report the news, I don't create it. Which brings me to this rather shocking story.

Derek Black, the son of a former KKK grand wizard, is suing the Palm Beach County Republican Party for a seat on their Executive Committee. Black won 60 percent of the vote in a primary and is demanding to be seated. The local Republican party, shocked at the election results, apparently barred Black from taking his seat. Local Republican officials claim that Black refused to sign a loyalty oath.

There are so many problems with this story. Firstly, how did a self-avowed white separatist win 60 percent of the vote? And if he won the vote, he should be seated. The problem is the local GOP realize that Black is an embarrassment, but shouldn't someone have vetted him before he ran? I guess Republicans have not learned from the Palin debacle.

Black, who is a wonderkid in white supermacist circles, likes to bill himself as an advocate of "white pride." Like many white supermacists, he is trying to market himself as telegenic, Conservative who wants to show pride in his European heritiage. But look at Black's geneology. His father is a former Klansman and the founder of Stormfront, the granddaddy of online hate sites, and his mother was formerly married to David Duke!

It's disturbing that former and current white supremacists keep popping up in the GOP. Rep. Ron Paul's son Rand, was brushed with scandal after it was revealed that a Senate campaign worker posted racist messages on his MySpace page. Ron Paul (above left) himself has also been dogged by accusations of racially offensive messages in a newsletter he used to run. But judging by the rhetoric that is coming out of the Republican Party, most white supermacists would probably fit right in.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Limbaugh and Co. Fuel Fear of a Black President

Tax Day "Tea Party" Protestors Rally Around The Country

A few days ago I had an interesting conversation with my cousin about the state of race relations in the age of Obama. My cousin said,"Things are getting better, but the people who have a problem with black people are getting worse." To further illustrate his story, he told me about one of his friends, a white lady, whose daughter used to play regularly with a friend, who was also white. One day, one of the girls discovered that her friend stopped showing up for playdates. Her mother went to the other mom and asked why. The answer: "You voted for Obama.

This story is all the more poignant considering the recent wing-nut fest that was CPAC, which "Daily Show" host Jon Stewart described as the "Festival of Whites." Glenn Beck got on stage and put on the same nightly carnival show he does on FOX News. One thing he did say that was correct was suggesting that the GOP needs to admit it has a problem. Beck said the problem was spending, but the real problem is race.

Race is a frustrating problem in America, because it tends to attract polar opposite opinions. Black people are often aggrieved about their situation, while white people seem to be in deep denial that there is a problem. A common excuse is,"I didn't own any slaves." But that is a simplistic answer, slavery was outlawed about a 100 years ago, but there are several pressing problems affecting African Americans and other people of color.

You may not have owned slaves, but what did you do when the police were torturing and executing black men? What did you do when black men were being locked up for crimes they didn't commit? And what did you do when banks were steering people of color, with good credit, into high-interest loans?

As my cousin said there are many people who are deeply uncomfortable with the idea of a black president. They feel their old world, of white male privilege and a comfortable middle class lifestyle, is slipping away. To them Obama is the John the Baptist of the Apocalypse, the harbinger of the destruction of White America as they know it. The clearest evidence of this was seen when Obama decided to hold his impromptu Q and A session with House Republicans. Obama answered, deflected and parried their questions with aplomb, and all the while you got the impression, that this smart, articulate and knowledgeable black man, was driving them crazy.

Black people may have dominated in sports and entertainment, but in the fields of business and politics, white men still ruled the roost. Obama spells the end of that. I am sure a lot of older white men are worried that Corporate America is soon going to end up looking like the the NBA, with their grandchildren only allowed to play bit parts.

The extreme wing of the Republican party realizes this and that is why with the aid of their propaganda department, also known as FOX News, they are trying to whip white rage into a frenzy. Blue collar and middle-class Americans have a lot to be angry about, with chronic unemployment and the near collapse of the financial market. However FOX News is channeling that anger into rage at the Obama administration, when it was the Bush administration's tax cuts to the rich and unfunded foreign wars that largely caused the problem. Joe Stack, a frustrated computer programmer, was so angry that he flew a plane into an IRS building in Austin, killing one worker. And even after this apparent incident of domestic terrorism, Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) still said, that he emphathized with Stack and urged listerners to "implode" more IRS buildings.

This deadly mix of rage and frustration is being stoked by the conservative triumvirate of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.

American Talkers recently named Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity, respectively, as the top three most influential talk show hosts in America. All three commentators are infamous for their barely-masked racial animosity. They won't come out and say they hate black people and don't think Obama should be president, but they'll use a series of code words and sleights to convey their message.

Limbaugh is fond of using words like "uppity," and "arrogant," which were used in Jim Crow times to describe black who didn't know their place. Hannity simply employs hired minstrels like Jesse Lee Patterson to say the things that any white host would be fired for mentioning.

These hate mongers understand the fears of their AM radio audience. Rush Limbaugh recently said the only reason why Obama made it through Harvard Law school is because his professors wrote his papers for him. This taps into the anger that many white Americans have about affirmative action. There is nothing worse you can call a black employee than an affirmative action hire. Limbaugh topped that by recently comparing Obama's health care legislation to reparations. (Funny how those "reparations" will benefit a lot of non-black people.) Limbaugh also said that Obama is a "primitive, indigenous guy." This is highly ironic because Obama is a graduate of Harvard Law school, while Limbaugh dropped out college in his freshman year. (Hannity and Beck are also college drop outs.)

I am not the only person concerned about the rage that is being nurtured by the right. Dr. Sherman Miller, a columnist and long-time Republican activist from Delaware, describes Beck, Limbaugh and Hannity as America's racist trinity of evilwho are "perpetuating a media lynching of President Barack Obama." Additionally, former GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee said that right-wing bloggers urged him to physically attack First Lady Michelle Obama when she was a guest on his show. Huckabee said he was "disgusted by the anger and meanness."

Limbaugh and co. have said that they want Obama and his policies to fail, and they will use every weapon in their arsenal to stop him -- even if that means lies, smears and encouraging violence.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Americans Don't Seem To Realize That Obama is Succeeding

U.S. President Obama signs National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform order in Washington

I have said it before, and I will say it again FOX News is propaganda. They are not in the news business, they are in the truth creation business. FOX News' goal is to keep people ignorant of the truth, and keep them believing the Republican version of reality. And in that world, the Democrats are responsible for the deficit, Obama wants to ruin the country and there were no terrorist attacks under George W. Bush.

Don't believe the hype. FOX News operates under one of the classic principles of propaganda. That is repeat the lie over and over again, until people believe it's true. Unfortunately, it seems to be working, as many Americans frustrated with the slow economy are threatening to vote out the party in power. But here are some facts. And remember, I am a poor blogger who is not being supported by any commercial interests. I have no corporate master's telling me what to write about, or what not to write about.

  • The Stimulus Worked. Contrary to what some sections of the media are reporting, the economy is turning around slowly and the Stimulus plan actually worked. Some economists like Paul Krugman say the Stimulus Bill, which totalled around $800 billion, was not extensive enough. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the Stimulus created 2.1 million jobs. Without the Stimulus unemployment would have been about 11 percent. Economists from the National Association of Business Economics predict the economy will grow by 3.1 percent this year. Some economists have claimed that without government intervention we would have been looking at 30 percent unemployment. And you can only imagine the type of anarchy that would have been unleashed with statistics like that!
  • Obama is successfully waging the war in Afghanistan. Former VP Dick Cheney may get on TV every Sunday to complain about the war in Afghanistan, but the experts on the ground have a different view. Obama has successfully refocused the military's energies on Afghanistan and the man who was behind 9-11. A Daily Beast article lays out the successes against Al-Queda by pointing out how they are now resorting to sending confused men with bombs in their pants to the attack the U.S. Less than 10 years ago, they managed to coordinate a four-pronged attack, that knocked down the Twin Towers and damaged the Pentagon. Some Bush officials have actually complained that Obama is killing too many terrorists!
  • Prosecuting terrorists in court and not torturing them works. Before we thought that most terrorists were wild-eyed fanatics who wouldn't talk even if their feet were literally held to the fire. The truth is a little different. American interrogators have gotten terrorists to talk by using tried and true techniques like negotiating and exploiting family ties. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian underwear bomber, is alleged to be cooperating with authorities after his family was flown to the United States. American resident Najibulah Zazi, a terrorist who was captured attempting to bomb the New York subway system, has also proved to be a wealth of information, after cutting deals with prosecutors to avoid prosecuting his parents.

So Obama is turning around the economy and successfully killing and prosecuting terrorists. Now if he could only get health care fixed ... Of course the Republicans are pretty much voting down all of Obama's legislation, even the Jobs bill, which would help put Americans back to work. Okla. Sen. Tom Coburn said that Republican like gridlock, because it prevents anything from getting done. And Rush Limbaugh, the unofficial leader of the GOP, has said that he wants Obama to fail. These are the same people who applauded when Chicago didn't get the Olympics. So voters please remember this when November comes around and when you are looking at your empty 401k. The GOP has shown you where they stand, now it's up to you to show them where you stand.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Obama Has Not Appointed Any Czars!

Las Vegas Hosts The National Clean Energy Summit

Van Jones' real title was Special Advisor for Green Jobs.
But the media dubbed him Green Jobs Czar

The next time some brain-dead Tea Bagger says there are "more czars in the Obama administration than in the Soviet Union," please point them towards this article.

They are wrong on two levels. Firstly, THERE ARE NO CZARS in the Obama administration. There have never been any czars in any administration. The term "czar" is a media phrase used to describe a White House special adviser who is assigned to oversee a certain policy area. Van Jones, was the erstwhile green jobs czar. Richard Clarke, author of "Your Country Failed You," was "counter terrorism czar" under three presidents, including both Bushes and Bill Clinton. Clarke's real title was National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection and Counter-terrorism. (Try fitting that on a business card.)

Jones' full title was Special Adviser for Green Jobs. However the media decided that green czar was easy to write and also sounded snappier. According to a Time magazine article most czars do not have any budgetary control, or real power. Of course it is easier for FOX News viewers to believe the lie, than actually do the research, which took me all of 30 minutes.

In addition, there were no czars in the Soviet Union. The last Tsar, Nicholas II, was killed in 1918 during the Russian Revolution. The Soviet Union was officially formed in 1922.

Please share this with all your friends so we can put this to rest.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Crumbling Middle Class is Spawning Domestic Terrorism

Small Plane Crashes Into Building In Austin, Texas

Bush's $2.4 Trillion War Bill Wrecked The Economy

Sometimes I wish I was not always right. About two years ago when the American people finally came to the realization that George W. Bush had really screwed up the economy, I told a close friend that we would probably see an uptick in violence.

I suggested that white people, stripped of their homes, SUVs and Eddie Bauer clothing, would lash out violently. Unlike black and Latino, and maybe even Asian people, many white people are not used to being broke. Being broke is nothing new to people of color, most of us are only one generation from the projects. Many of us grew up in the ghetto, went to college and got out. We still have family members who live in shady neighborhoods. And who has hasn't had to send money to kinfolk who have fallen on hard times?

But with white people it is not necessarily the same. I am not saying that all white people are rich. But poverty is less common among whites. Although this is changing as the American nuclear family crumbles. Rising divorce rates and out of wedlock birth rates mean we are seeing more white families struggling with poverty as women try to raise children on single incomes. Statistically there are more white people on welfare than black people.

However for many white people, we are talking about two or three generations of middle-class incomes. Maybe some of their grandparents remember the Great Depression, but their parents went to college, or had white-collar jobs. There are kids who get brand new cars on their 18th birthdays, trust funds and college tuition paid for. I once worked with a lady who was surprised that most people went into debt to pay for college.

The Great Recession has decimated the middle class. In fact we are seeing many people tumbling out of the middle class and into poverty. When homes are foreclosed those families may end up homeless or in shelters. Unlike people of color, white people often don't have close social networks. Black people always know they can bunk on their mama's couch, until they get on their feet. But many middle class white people, are estranged from their families and find it difficult or darn near impossible to ask for help.

So it's not surprising we are seeing more case like Joe Stack, who crashed a plane into the IRS building in Austin, Tx. This is one of many recent cases of domestic terrorism from angry white men. And with FOX News, the Tea Party movement and people calling for the execution of the the first black president, I fear it's only going to get worse.

The worse thing about the Tea Baggers movement is that it misdirected anger. Tea Party protesters say they are mad at legislation like the banking bailout, because it overlooks the little guy, and yet they are throwing their weight behind the party which has an even more corporate-friendly agenda than the Democrats.

Unfortunately, the powers that be have always used race and religion to misdirect the anger of blue-collar white people. Tea Baggers are mad at Barack Obama, but they really should be directing their anger at George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, whose disastrous policies wrecked the economy. Bush signed the banking bailout and was an advocate of the same kind of deregulation that caused the financial crisis in the first place. (Obama took money from Wall Street so he really isn't that much better.) Consider this small fact, the Congressional Budget Office estimates the final cost of the Iraq War will be about $2.4 trillion! (Where were the Tea Baggers was Bush was pushing his bill through Congress?), while the Stimulus bill, cost about $780 billion. So if we had not invaded Iraq we could have sunk that money into the American economy and prevented the Great Recession from ever happening! By the way, Paul Krugman, New York Times columnist, Princeton professor, and Noble prize winner, also agrees with this idea.

Right Wingers Call for Obama's Impeachment

Harry Reid Joins Obama At Town Hall In Nevada

High Crimes Include Auto Bail Out, Health Care, Stimulus

You got birthers, tea baggers, and tenthers, now we need a name for conservatives who are calling for President Obama's impeachment. (Maybe we can call them "peachers?")

In this video from Think Progress, Caleb Heimlich, spokesman for the Impeach Obama campaign, explains why he thinks the president needs to be removed. He quotes Gerald Ford, who said that "anything is an impeachable offense." Actually what Ford said, was "an impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history."

Well since, the House is currently controlled by the Democrats, it is unlikely that they would pass a vote for an impeachment. You would have though that the Republicans would have learned from the last time they tried to impeach a Democrat. Obama is accused of high crimes like bailing out the auto companies, health care legislation, and the stimulus bill. (Although all three pieces of legislation were voted on by Congress, so they should also be held responsible.)

It ironic, that some Republicans want to impeach Obama who has been in office for about a year, yet they said nothing when the Bush-Cheney administration was committing high crimes such as war profiteering, torture and holding an American citizen without trial!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

FOX News Compares Scott Brown to Reagan

Conservative Luminaries Speak At Annual CPAC Gathering In Washington

In his book, "The Truth, With Jokes," Sen. Al Franken talks about how the Bush White House said they were in the reality creation business. By that they mean that their version of reality did not come from history books, or from journalism, which is often the first draft of history. They stated an idea, and then adjusted reality to fit that idea. It sounds pretty crazy, but that is where FOX News comes in. They bombard, the poorly-educated American public with enough propaganda to convince them that the FOX version of reality is true.

It was the same with the Iraq war. In 2002, most Americans, didn't think that Saddam Hussein was a threat, but by the time FOX News and the so-called liberal media had finished, a large percentage of the public believed that Saddam wrote the check for 9-11. (He had absolutely nothing to do with it.)

FOX's latest campaign is to brand Sen. Scott Brown, who has been in the Senate for less than a month, as the next Ronald Reagan. I don't hate Scott Brown, although I don't agree with his politics, but he has hardly done anything, apart from serving in the Massachusetts Senate for nine years and serving in the National Guard. But FOX News is already billing him as the next Great White Hope. The only thing that Reagan and Brown have in common is that they are both good looking. Reagan managed to carry his aw-shucks charisma all the way to the White House.

Right-Wing Commentators Don't Believe Their Own Hype

5th Annual TV Land Awards - Arrivals

Jimmy Walker and Ann Coulter

Jimmy Walker Brags About His Romance With Far-Right Commentator Ann Coulter

MSNBC host Keith Olbermann once said that most right-wing commentators are just in it for the money. If you ever needed further proof of this, consider shrill neo-fascist commentator Ann Coulter.

Coulter, who extols family values, is 48 and never married. She has an active social life, which I assume must include extra marital sex, and has dated liberals in the past. (even though she has called them treasonous.) Coulter is infamous for her racist comments such as calling for Muslims to be "sexed up" at airports. She also also referred to Arabs as "jihad monkeys" and "ragheads" and defended white supremacists. She defended the Conservative Citizens Council, an organization which claims that blacks are interior to people of European descent. (I wonder how they feel about her dating choices?). Commenting on Barack Obama's book, "Dreams of My Father," Coulter said, "Here's an insider scoop about white people: We're not thinking about you. Especially WASPs. We think everybody is inferior, and we are perfectly charming about it. " She also was fired from the conservative National Review for saying that America should invade "Muslim countries and force them to convert to Christianity."

Now we hear stories that Jimmy Walker (J.J. from "Good Times.") is extolling the virtues of his loving relationship with Coulter. Yeah, wrap your mind around that for a while. This is not surprising because rumors about this have been floating around the blogosphere for years. "The Boondocks" also depicted Coulter in a relationships with a shiftless black man. (Turns out they were pretty close to the truth.) See the video below.

Consider the lifestyle choices of these right-wing commentators:

  • Rush Limbaugh, a rabid homophobe and misogynist, has been divorced three times and never fathered any kids. He also lived separately from third wife for the last 10 years of their marriage and took an all-male trip to Dominican Republic, a notorious child sex hot spot. Limbaugh was busted returning to the U.S. with a bottle of Viagra,
  • Radio show host Michael Savage, who was booted from MSNBC for making homophobic comments, was pictured nude with his close friend Timothy Leary, a noted homosexual. Savage who espouses neo-racist views is Jewish and his real name is Michael Wiener.
  • Armstrong Williams, a discredited right-wing commentator and longtime bachelor, has been accused of sexual harassment twice -- by men.
  • Bill O'Reilly, who bills himself as Mr. Conservative Family Values, bragged about cheating on his wife with hookers and settled a $5 million sexual harassment lawsuit. The employee who filed the suit had O'Reilly on tape making explicit sexual comments.
  • Glenn Beck says he is "just an ordinary guy" but makes about $20 million a year. He is also a former drug addict who has said that he "doesn't feel comfortable around black people," and belongs to a religion, whose founder thought that black people were cursed by God.

Coulter's hypocrisy indicates that most right-wing media figures are just putting on a show. They are like the "heels" in pro-wrestling. Heels are the cartoonish villains that audiences love to hate. Many wrestlers say they prefer playing the heel because they make more money. Just like in the movies the villains get all the good lines. But when the show is over, the heels probably go out and share a beer with the "good guys."

Well that is what is going on in the political arena. Commentators like Coulter, Beck, Hannity and Michael Savage don't believe their hype. They make outrageos comments to sell books, push ads and get ratings -- and they get handsomely rewarded for it.

Limbaugh often says he is just a comedian, and I think we need to take him at his word. But don't believe what Limbaugh and fellow right-wing commentators are saying, because they sure don't. They just want to keep white people angry and keep the dollars rolling in. Remember what Rev. Rollo Goodlove, from "The Boondocks, says about Coulter, "She just do that for that redneck money."

Monday, February 15, 2010

FOX News Declares War on Columbia Journalism School...?

2006 Summer TCA Day 15

Roger Ailes

I guess the people at FOX News must have of lot of free time on their hands since they are avoiding real news stories like torture, the economy and foreign wars. Now the FOX brain trust has declared war on the Columbia School of Journalism, which is regarded as the Harvard of the Journalism business. I am not sure why Columbia has generated such hatred from FOX. Maybe it's because the professors at Columbia know FOX is anything but a news organization, and use FOX as a text-book example of what budding journalists should not do.

FOX is accusing Columbia's J school of being "out of touch" and part of that mythical "liberal elite." This is ironic because FOX's Bill O'Reilly, for all his blue-collar posturing, received a master's degree from Harvard. George W. Bush was a third-generation Ivy league graduate, and it does not get more elite than that.

In response, Nick Lemann, dean of the Journalism school, says FOX's attacks are great advertising. He said that he doubted if FOX President Roger Ailes had the skills to go out and cover a regular story. Judging by the new stories that come out of FOX, I am sure much of the on air- talent doesn't have the same skills either.

FOX is doing this to play to it's audience, which is 95 percent white, and largely rural. To people like that, New York is Sodom and Gomorrah, and not even part of America. After all Sarah Palin said that "real Americans," don't live in places New York.

Daily Beast Names Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh on List of Top 25 Conservative Journalists

Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington

Beck Had Said That He is Not a Journalist

It's difficult to take some of the arguments coming out of the political right seriously. After all these are the people who say that George W. Bush kept the nation safe from terrorist attack, and want a return to tax cuts and deregulation, the same polices that tanked the economy.

But this list of the top 25 Conservative Journalists, written by the Daily Beast's Tunkun Varadarajan, a research fellow at the right-wing Stanford Institute, is staggeringly inaccurate and just downright stupid. Varadarajan lists Glenn Beck as no. 2 on the list. He also lists neo-fascist propagandists, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, on the list. Now Limbaugh, on various occasions, has said that he is not a journalist, and is just a comedian. And any no journalism professor worth his salt would ever describe Hannity as a journalist.

Appearing on television doesn't make you a journalist. Also opinion columns does not make you a journalist. Beck even said explicitly on "The View" that he is not a journalist, and does'nt bother to check his facts. Of course, anyone with Google and a semi-functional brain could tell you that.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Massachusetts Gun Nut is a Palin, Tea Party Fan

Right-wing Media, Politicians Urging Violent Revolt

Palin addresses the Tea Party

On Thursday, I posted a story about Gregory Girard, a Massachusetts man who was arrested with a stockpile of weapons he had gathered in preparation for Armageddon.

Well it turns out that he is a fan of Sarah Palin and also supported the Tea Party's agenda. Girard was also a neo-racist, who believed that Obama was going to raise an army of an "army of inner city youths" who were going to impose martial law on all the God-fearing, gun-toting white folks. (And we all know who lives in the inner city.)

Girard also believed that Sarah Palin was some kind of Joan of Arc sent by God to lead America back to the light. You can read more of Girard's views on his blog, "Patriots for America."

This is not the first time the far right has been linked to political violence. Last August, Nancy Genovese, a Glenn Beck fan, was arrested for scoping out an Air Force base, while she had an assault rifle, a shot gun and 500 rounds of ammunition in her car. And in February 2009, James Adkisson, shot up a Tennessee Unitarian Church after reading Bernard Goldberg's "100 People Who are Screwing Up America." Adkisson also said that he wanted to kill every Democrat in Congress.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mass. Man Arrested With Stockpile of Weapons

Law Enforcement Officials Announce Large Scale Drug Bust

Paranoid, white people with guns always scare me. According to this story from Talking Points Memo, the latest is Gregory Girard of Manchester, Mass., who was recently arrested by agents of the Bureau of Alchohol, Firearms and Tobacco.

Girard, a technology consultant, was arrested with camouflage uniforms, guns, knives, bullet proof vests, night vision goggles and a six-month supply of food! He is believed to have been hoarding supplies in preparation for Armageddon. Girard's wife became alarmed when he suggested that she "stop talking to people, and just shoot them in the head because traitors deserve it." That sounds awfully like some media commentators I know.

It's easy to laugh at this kind of behavior, but this kind of paranoia is being fueled by FOX News, which has Glenn Beck running "The sky is falling," type stuff every night.

It will be interesting to see what media sources Girard was reading.

Post's Broder Says Palin Tea Party Speech Was "Pitch Perfect"

Meet The Press

David Broder

Washington Post columnist David Broder is referred to as the "dean of the Washington Press Corps." Well it might be time for the Dean to retire. His latest column is a fawning a love letter to Sarah Palin and her recent speech at the Tea Party convention.

(I think Broder may have scored some Viagra and is hot for Palin.) One of the problems with the newspaper business if you have fossils like Broder, who have been in place for years, and no one dares to question or even challenge.

Broder said that Palin was "pitch perfect" and hit all the conservative and populist notes. Maybe Broder is getting senile, because most media pundits widely condemned her speech, which was the usually grab bag of GOP talking points, strung together in Palin's grammar-free style of talking.

Also Broder needs to remember that Palin was speaking to a group of assorted nuts who believe that the president was born in Kenya and one of their speakers advocated bringing back racist voting laws. Huffington Post Editor Simon Whatley describes the Tea Baggers as a "national embarrassment.

Broder goes on to say that Palin may pose a challenge to GOP front runner Mitt Romney in 2012. The GOP had better hope that Palin, who prepared for her big speech by writing notes on her hand, doesn't run in 2012, because a recent Washington Post poll said that most Americans think she is not qualified to lead the country.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Need a Reliable Uncle Tom? Call Project 21

Jesse Lee Peterson

FOX News knows that its a right-leaning/white-leaning network, but they realize that these days neo fascists, like Sean Hannity, cannot just came out and call black people, lazy shiftless bums, even though that is what is going through their minds. To vocalize these ugly ideas, they turn to a small cadre of black conservatives. While there maybe some black conservatives, who believe in the principles of fiscal moderation and traditional values, there are also several black straw men.

People like the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a notoriously self-loathing African American, who is happy to vocalize every racist and offensive comment white commentators are too scared to say. The good Rev. Peterson, showed true Christian spirit, when he blamed the Hurricane Katrina disaster on the poor moral values of the mainly black residents of New Orleans. Some of his other hits include:
  • Calling civil rights leader W.E.B Dubois "a communist pig."
  • And calling black men "weak and insecure."
  • He also said Obama was elected by "black racism and white guilt"
Another Project 21 member Kevin Martin compared the NAACP to the Ku Klux Klan in an appearance on Hannity's show. Peterson is close friends Hannity, who was a major contributor to his Brother Organization of a New Destiny (BOND) foundation, a fact that Hannity failed to mentioned when he regulalry hosted Peterson on his show. So effectively Hannity was writing Peterson a check, and then asking him to appear as an "objective" guest. (But really, is any guest objective on FOX?.) Peterson has also associated with white sepratist and immigrant hating groups.

If you ever wondered where these professional Uncle Toms come from, you need to look to Project 21. Tomming has been a pretty good gig for Patterson, who has gotten a book, radio show and numerous television appearances out of it. According to left-wing journalist Max Blumenthal Project 21 was created by the National Council for Public Policy Research (NCPPR), a right-wing think tank, who were looking for black faces to rebut the many charges of racism levied at the Los Angeles Police Department after the Rodney King riots in 1992. Project 21 provided black media pundits who could refute these charges, and in many cases vocalize the offensive comments that white pundits where too scared to say.

NCPRR Executive Director David Almasi, who is white, almost blew the lid of the Project 21 scam, when he stood in for one of his talking heads. Almasi also coordinates Project 21 media strategy and tells its pundits what to say.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Vice magazine correspondent tours Liberia, aka Hell on Earth

Thousands Flee Renewed Fighting In Liberia

It's a common adage to refer to a place as hell on earth, but Liberia is pretty close to it.

In a 30-minute online documentary, Shane Smith, a correspondent for VBS TV, Vice magazine's online TV station, goes on a tour of Liberia, a West African country which is trying to recover from years of civil war.

Liberia was founded by freed American slaves. Unfortunately, America's experiment in African democracy turned into a disaster, as the freed slaves promptly enslaved the local Africans, and ran a plantation system based on the American South. In 1980, Samuel Doe, a sergeant in the Liberian Army, led a bloody coup, and became the first descendant of native Africans to rule Liberia.

However Doe's regime was marked by corruption and brutality and soon descended into civil war, with American-educated warlords attempting to seize power. The civil war lasted for most of the 1990s, and law and order broke down, until the country looked like a post apocalyptic-Mad Max style movie. Gangs of armed children roved the streets. The gangs were led by brutal war lords who often drugged their young soldiers before battle.

The armies were very irregular which often created bizaare scenes. Some soldiers went into battle wearing wigs and lipstick, others went into battle naked, believing local black magic would protect them.

Local war lords adopted names such as General Bin Laden, General Rambo and General Butt Naked (he led his troops into battle in the buff). One group called themselves Tupac's Army, because they all wore Tupac t-shirts. (There was an army named after Biggie too.)

The war descended into the worst war crimes you can think of, rape, mass murder, cannibalism, mutilation, you name it. Many of the war lords traded diamonds for drugs and weapons. So now a country that was ripped apart by wars is also flooded with drugs and guns.

Smith follows General Butt Naked, who has now renounced violence and reverted to his given name Joshua Blahyi. Although he has admitted that he was responsible for 20,000 deaths, Blahyi has reinvented himself as an evangelical preacher. Let me warn you about this documentary, it shows some pretty graphic material and you need a strong stomach to sit through it, but it's still worth watching.

In 2005 Harvard-educated Ellen Sirleaf Johnson was elected president. However it has a long way to go in trying to reintegrate thousands of child soldiers back into society. In the words of General Butt Naked, once violence has gotten into a child, it's hard for him to ever go back to normal.


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G.A. Afolabi is a progressive blogger based on the Left Coast.