Saturday, November 28, 2009

Baptist Preacher Says He Wants Obama Tried, Executed

Jewish Defense Leagues Irv Rubin Pleads Not Guilty To Bombing Charges

Pastor Wiley Drake used to pray for the death of President Barack Obama, but he has had a change of heart. Now he just wants Obama tried for treason and executed.

Drake made the decision to try Obama after watching a YouTube video from the Rev. Dr. David Manning, pastor of ATLAH World Missionary Church. Manning is a notorious ex-con turned preacher who has been running, trash-talking videos of Obama since 2008. Manning, who has a doctorate degree from a university he owns, has accused Obama of being "a long-legged mack daddy" among other things. Manning's videos have been barred from YouTube because of his homophobic comments.

Confirming Drake's status as a wingnut, he was also Alan Keyes' running mate. I didn't think anyone could make Alan Keyes look sane, but I stand corrected.

Cheney Rumors Show GOP Desperation

Cheney Speaks At Gerald R. Ford Foundation's Annual Journalism Awards

Recently several right-wing writers at publications like the New York Times, U.S. News and World Report and the Wall Street Journal have floated the idea of former veep Dick Cheney running for president. If they are really serious about this idea, it just shows how out of touch with reality the GOP is.

I know things are desperate, but when you start reaching back to the genius behind the last eight years of disasterous policies, you have officially lost it. But recently everyone from Sarah Palin to Glenn Beck has been named as a potential 2012 candidate.

Whoever the Republicans run for president needs to have broad-based appeal that can bring in independents and even conservative Dems, and Cheney is not that person. He has a whole army of fresh skeletons in his closet, that he really does not want the press digging into. Maybe this time they can ask him about his health.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Time Names 00s 'Decade From Hell'

I thought this was a bit harsh when I first read this headline, but when you sit down and consider the 00s, it was pretty bad. The worst terrorist attack to hit the United States, two disasterous wars, two stock market crashes (let's not forget the one that happened at the beginning of the decade,) corporate fraud, state-sanctioned torture, voter fraud, war profiteering -- do I need to go on? And let's remember most of this was done during eight years of the George W. Bush administration.

Washington Times Writer Says Obama is Weak Because He is Half-Black (Yes, Really)

Tax Day "Tea Party" Protestors Rally Around The Country
Here is something that you may have missed, since it came out a few days ago. But it is a stunning piece of blatant racism from the Washington Times. (Well, what do you expect from a newspaper owned by a cult leader?) '

Washington Times writer Wesley Pruden says the reason why President Barack Obama is so quick to bow to foreign leaders is because his father was a Kenyan and "he has no natural instinct or blood impulse for what the America of "the 57 states" is about." Pruden also criticizes Obama's mother for being "attracted to men of the Third World."

Essentially he is saying that Obama is weak, because he is half black. This is so shocking that it literally left me speechless. But it really shouldn't, in his book "Blinded By The Right," ex-conservative David Brock, founder of Media Matters, said that the Washington Times was riddled with white supremacists and people mad that the South lost the Civil War.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Hutchinson: Ignore Beck and Co.

Civil Rights Pioneer Rosa Parks Remembered

Earl Ofari Hutchinson (red shirt) is pictured here with other civil rights leaders as they pay tribute at the Rosa Parks Freeway.
I respect Earl Ofari Hutchinson's political opinions, but I am not sure if I agree with him here. He says that left-wing commentators and the Main Stream Media are wrong to focus so much energy on FOX, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin. Hutchinson says that the more criticism they receive, the stronger they get. Beck and FOX thrives on controversy, because that means more ratings. I am torn, while I realize that it is probably better to ignore the blowhards on the right, I believe that we need to monitor what they say and keep them accountable.

Palin Fans Can't Recall What She Stands For

I don't know if this is funny or tragic, but here is footage of Palinites (is that what we are calling them?) who are so enamored with the former Alaska governor, that they can't actually remember what she stands for. It is truly frightening to think that people would vote for a candidate and not know their platform, which makes you wonder if Palin's popularity is solely based on her personality? The answer must be yes, because she has few political or economic accomplisments. The misinformation being regurgiated shows that too many people get their information from FOX News, which is like going to a fish market in search of a good steak.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

FOX Helps Palin Inflate Her Crowd Numbers

Why anyone still considers FOX News anything other than a comedy channel is beyond me. In the month of November FOX has already been caught twice doctoring video to make conservative news events look like they drew bigger crowds. The latest incident involves them splicing video of a Sarah Palin campaign rally into a recent book signing. This is one of a long list of errors FOX News has committed such as having a producer rally the crowd at a Teabagger event, and mistakenly referring to disgraced Republican Mark Foley, who was caught sexually harassing undergage boys, as a Democrat.

FOX News

O'Reilly: Is Obama the Devil?

Former CNN curmedgeon Lou Dobbs went on FOX to spew his irrational hate speech. Dobbs said that he may run for senate in the future. If he honestly believes that he has a chance of winning elective office, the dementia must be really kicking in. But Bill O'Reilly outdid Dobbs' lunacy by asking if Obama is the devil!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Jon Stewart Skewers FOX News --- again

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Sean Hannity Apologizes to Jon
Daily Show
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It's a sad day in the world when some of the best fact-checking journalism comes from a comedy show. But "The Daily Show" continues to scoop the mainstream media, by pointing out the frequent flaws on FOX News. This time Jon Stewart points out that Sean Hannity ran a video of the Tea Party protest and tried to claim it was footage of Rep. Michelle Bachmann's anti-health care protests. Does it surprise anyone that FOX News runs lies? The station has a long history of running anti-Democrat stories, which were just plain inaccurate.

Liberal Commentator Blames Ft. Hood Shooting on Bush

Memorial service for the victims of the Fort Hood shooting in Texas

Thom Hartman, a liberal commentator, puts the blame for the Ft. Hood shooting squarely on former president George W. Bush's shoulders. In this article posted on, he successfully argues that the Bush administration turned the war on terror into a battle between good and evil, and Osama Bin Laden, into a comic book supervillain.

Hartmann argues that just like in comic books, a great hero needs a great villain. Bush cast himself as Superman and Bin Laden was his Lex Luthor. Hartmann says that Bill Clinton had the right idea, by dealing with Al-Quaeda as a small band of criminals and targeting them with police agencies, special forces teams and cruise missiles.

Hartmann argues that Bush's large-scale wars only boosted Al-Quaeda's image in the eyes of the Muslim world and stretched the American military to it's breaking point.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Media Matters is on the Front Lines of the War on FOX

While much has been made of the Obama administration's war on FOX News, Media Matters, a non-profit organization that monitors the right-wing media, has been in the trenches for years.

Media Matters was founded by David Brock, a former conservative who lost faith in the movement after her failed to find dirt on Hillary Clinton.

Media Matters is a persistent thorn in the side of right-wing commentators like Bill O'Reilly. However the organization does a task that the media used to do -- fact checking sources and verifying information. And by doing this they point out how innacccurate most of the right-wing media is.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tea Baggers Are Mad At Someone, But They Are Not Sure Who

More Tea Baggers stormed DC on Friday on the behest of Rep. Michelle Bachmann. Yes, she of the reeducation camps. (Her husband also runs a business where he tries to turns gay people straight.)

The Tea Party movement insists its members are not racists, yet the march was about 90 percent white and they held up photos comparing health reform legislation to the Holocaust. (They even included banners featuring corpes stacked up in a death camp.) Some Tea Baggers had posters depicting Obama in a turban and as a sambo.

Not good. If there is one group of people you don't want to get pissed off its Jewish people, and the Holocaust is a very sore subject for them.

SNL Takes on FOX

I find "Saturday Night Live" generally unwatchable, but their political sketches are pretty good. This weekend they took on FOX and it's election night coverage. It's funny how the liberal guest on FOX News is never given a chance to talk in the skit. Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, a former FOX News commentator, said that that FOX regularly cuts or turned down the mikes of liberal guests. SNL's spoof of FOX's resident mental patient Glenn Beck is pretty close to the truth. You can't make Beck sound crazier than he is.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Did Anti-Muslim Harassment Make Ft. Hood Gunman Snap?

By G.A. Afolabi

While the news of the Ft. Hood shooting by Army Maj. Nadil Malik Hasan is shocking, it should not be surprising. Unfortunately workplace shootings are become a regular part of life in the United States. Hasan would not the first person to turn his guns on co-workers. Sgt. Hasan Karim Akbar was convicted for "fragging" two officers in 2003. There have been several incidents of stressed, harassed and downsized workers going on rampages against their co-workers. I wonder if this was a case of backlash against workplace harassment? This is what caused Klebold and Harris to commit their massacre at Columbine.

Hasan was a Muslim, which could not have been easy when we are fighting two wars in Muslim countries. Many Muslims perceive the War on Terror, as a war against Islam. One can only imagine how Hasan dealt with American troops, scarred by the war and probably harboring anti-Arab/Muslim feelings, being treated by an Arab Muslim doctor.

In addition, Hasan was recently moved to Ft. Hood, Texas, and Texas is not known as the most open-minded of places. There is no excuse for what Hasan did, but maybe this was more of a case of someone having a psychological breakdown, than an act of terrorism. My fear is that this will lead to a backlash against Muslims and Arabs. The right-wing media is already screaming that this was an attack by a sleeper agent and Muslim Americans cannot be trusted. The lunatics at far-right WND daily already claimed that Hasan was an adviser to the Obama administration. (This has been debunked.)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

FOX News' Latest Lie

For those people who still believe that FOX News is "fair and balanced," here is another damning piece of evidence. FOX News aired a report saying that Obama neglected to watch the election results and chose to watch a documentary about his election on HBO. The only problem was none of it was true.

This Christian Science Monitor article reports that White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said that the president actually didn't watch any TV on election night. But the damage was done, the fake news story had already spread to the right-wing noise machine and has leaked into the news cycle.

This is not the first time FOX News has run a fake story about Obama. During the 2008 election FOX ran a story claiming that Obama had been educated in a Madrasah, which was also debunked by CNN. This is classic FOX strategy, make up an outrageous story, put it on the air and then watch it spread like wildfire. FOX also accused the Obamas of performing a "terrorist fist jab." By the time the candidate has debunked the story, it has already seeped into the minds of gullible Americans who believe everything that FOX puts out. And people wonder why some people still think Obama is not an American citizen?

Kosovo Honors Clinton With A Statue

Kosovo A Divided Soul

With unsuccessful wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, many Americans are ambivalent about America's use of military power abroad, but there are occasions when using force is the moral thing do. President Bill Clinton intervened in the war in Yugoslavia in the 1990s and saved thousands of ethnic Albanians from being massacred by Serbs. Kosovo's Albanians recently honored Clinton with an 11-foot statue.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

More Details Come Out About The McCain-Palin Feud

UPI POY 2008 - Campaign 2008.

Hindsight is 20/20, but you have to wonder what was Sen. John McCain thinking when he choose Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate? The partnership seem fraught with problems as McCain chafed at the fact the Palin was outshadowing him.

Now we have more details about the troubled paring. A new book called "Sarah From Alaksa," claims that the McCain people pulled the plug when Palin went on stage on election night. Media reports claim that Palin also wanted to give a consession speech, and McCain said no. (It would have been the first time that the vice presidential candidate also gave a concession speech.) The McCain team cut the power on the Palin family when they walked on stage, to make sure she they couldn't say anything.

Global Grind Editor Buys Would-Be Mugger A Meal

4th Annual Stay In School Pep Rally & Concert

Here is a very thought-provoking article by Michael Skolnik, managing editor of Russell Simmon's hip hop social media site Global Grind. Skolnik was accosted by two 15-year-old street kids who demanded money from him. Skolnik took the time to talk to them, and they told him they were only sticking him up because they were hungry. He diffused the situation by buying them a meal and making friends with them. It is a sad indication of the break down of the family when children are willing to stick someone up for a meal. But Skolnik showed them the meaning of love your enemies.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Does the American Media Keep People Ignorant?

I was reading an article on the Huffington Post today about how much progress Obama has made since he was elected. One of the comments included the above video. The writer's argument was that it's difficult for Obama to drag American's in the right direction when so many of them were so darn ignorant.

Take healthcare for example, all the other industrialized countries have universal health care, but Americans are digging in their heels against it. At the same time they are dying because of our dysfunctional for-profit, health care system and unexpected health costs are the no. 1 cause of bankruptcy. The American education system is so bad, it has been described as being something our enemies would have designed for us. The American media keeps people willfully ignorant, as shown in this video. It's no wonder why FOX News is the no. 1 rated news channel and the public elected Bush twice.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Obama Campaign Manager: Palin Was a Blessing to Dems

David Plouffe, Barack Obama's, campaign manager went on "Meet The Press" on Sunday and all but thanked Sarah Palin. He said the Obama campaign was astounded when her selection was announced. (They had to Google her.) More importantly, he said that Palin, and the conservative wing of the GOP, are leading them to ruin. New York Times columnist Frank Rich details how Palin and outsiders are meddling in a New York congressional race.

Plouffe has a point. As shown in the last election, the country is becoming more liberal, and yet elements of the GOP want the party to become more conservative. If they keep going that way, they will eventually end up looking like a fascist party. (Although some liberal commentators would say they already have reached that point.)

Most presidents and ruling parties, succeed by being moderates. Clinton was a moderate Democrat, and Obama seems to be a moderate. Is there room for moderates in the GOP? It does not seem so.

Tea Baggers Plan "Judgement Day"

Every time I watch the Tea Baggers they just seem to confirm how ignorant and uninformed they are. Here is a video from the Brad Blog, where blogger Brad Friedman interviews California Tea Baggers.

The thing that unites them is a hatred of Obama, although most of them can't explain why they hate him - at least not rationally. They are angry, but can't seem to focus their anger properly. They say they are against socialism, yet many of them voted for Bush who started all of these bailouts. And they are against higher taxes, but hate Obama, even though he has promised to cut taxes for people who make less than $250,000.

I doubt if people who make more than $250,000 are going to be out protesting with the Tea Baggers. I know several people who make that kind of money and they are not Tea Baggers. One of the Tea Baggers said he hated Obama because he was "Chicago politics." That is one of those political buzz words that really doesn't mean anything. It's a word they heard a million times on FOX and are now repeating. We really need to invest more in education in this country.


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About Me

G.A. Afolabi is a progressive blogger based on the Left Coast.