Sunday, April 18, 2010

Beck Considering Fans' Pleas To Run For President

In another one of those, "I had to read it twice" stories, FOX News comedian and book peddler Glenn Beck says that he would not rule out running for president in the future, providing Washington cleaned up it act. Beck said that the current political atmosphere robs people of their soul.

Now while you might think that this is a joke, there are Glenn Beck fans who are so delusional they think this is a good idea. There are so many things wrong with this concept, it makes my head ache. Firstly, there is no way in hell that Beck would give up his $32 million salary for the presidential gig which only pays $400,000. Secondly, Beck has admitted he has no interest in politics, all he cares about is selling more junk to his followers. And lastly, Beck sold his soul when he joined FOX.

Beck will keep making noises about a presidential run as long at it gets him ratings and allows him the opportunity to push his books, but his fans shouldn't hold their breath. Beck couldn't even get elected dog catcher with his history of drug use, racial remarks and on-air crying. Mississippi Gov. Hailey Barbour, who is a member of the Council of Conservative Citzens (CCC), a white supremacist organization that thinks that blacks are genetically inferior to whites, has a better chance of being president than Beck.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Vampire Republican Thinks Obama is A Muslim, Favors Executing Illegals

House Republican Leaders Unveil New Health Care Ad Targeting Democrats

If you thought the Tea Baggers were crazy, here is a Republican who makes them look sane. Jonathon "The Impaler" Shockey is seeking the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, which is not that strange, apart from the fact that he is a practising vampire.

Shockey is a perennial candidate who has unsuccessfully run for congress in Florida, New Jersey and Florida. Shockey is separated from the mother of his three kids, and has ran afoul of the law for his relations with teenage girls. He likes his "vampire brides" under 19.

Shockey also believes Obama is a Muslim and is in favor of impaling illegal immigrants and criminalizing abortion. The scary thing about Shockey is not that he is a vampire, who actually drinks blood, but how close his views are to mainstream Republicans!

Conservative Columnist Says Palin is Just A Reality TV Star

Meet The Press
David Brooks

Here is news for all you Sarah Palin fans. You are delusion. Palin will never run for national office and she is about as likely to be elected president as Sponge Bob Square Pants.

This should be glaringly obvious to anyone who has sat through her shallow, rambling, grammar-free speeches. But there is more news to imply that Palin has no interest and no chance of becoming president. News reports this week show that Palin raked in $12 million after she resigned as Alaska governor. Another report detailed her extravagant travel requests which include bendable straws, limos and private jets.

But here is the coup de grace from New York Times columnist David Brooks. Brooks, a conservative, dismisses Palin as nothing more than a Reality TV star and urges people to focus on real politicians. In a recent discussion with Times' columnist Gail Collins, Brooks said, "She is a half-term former governor with a TV show. She is not going to be the leader of any party and doesn’t seem to be inclined in that direction."

Brooks argues that Palin functions as a Rorschach test for both sides, left and right, to project their views on. To Republicans, she is a gun-toting, pin-up gal who espouses traditional family values (even though her daughter had a child out of wedlock.) To Democrats, she is an ignorant, shallow Christian fundamentalist. But either way, we won't ever have to worry about Palin presidency.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Right-Wing Violence Shows America Also Needs Mental Health, Education Reform

Tea Party Express Comes To Rockford, Illinois

The recent violent health care protests and spate of terrorist threats aimed at Democratic politicians should prove one thing. Apart from overhauling health care, America needs to spend a lot more on mental health and education.

It seems obvious that many of these domestic terrorists were either mentally ill or simply not too bright. First it was the Hutaree, a bunch of gun-toting rednecks, who wanted to wage war against the government, and now it is Gregory Giusiti, who phoned in threats to Speaker Nancy Pelosi. He bragged that his calls were untraceable because he was using Phone Jack, an Internet-based phone service. But the FBI tracked him down ... using his phone records.

Giusti's mother implies that he is not the sharpest tool in the shed and was affected by mass consumption of FOX News. (That product should really come with a government warning.) The Hutaree aren't much better. Apart from creating an imaginary name, these jokers also created a map and imagined areas of the country they wanted to take over, along with the imaginary names for these new regions. You almost want to say, "You and who's army?"

It is evident that there are many angry people in this country. They are upset about the economy, the loss of decent labor jobs and the nation's changing demographics. To these people, seeing a black man in the White House is rubbing salt into the wound. But combine that with possible mental health issues, poor education and rabble-rousing media, like FOX News, and it's a recipe for disaster.

When the economy is running well, the average American blue-collar worker, is happy to have his truck, his dip and his guns. But when that economy starts to falter, that same worker, starts to look for scapegoats for his economic situation. The greatest success of FOX News is that it manage to convince average white Americans, that the real enemies are liberals, gays, blacks, Mexicans and Arabs. Anyone apart from the real culprits, wealthy white males. Black and brown people weren't the ones who ran up the deficit, started two wars, laid you off and prepossessed your home. In fact most of them were Republicans, like George Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Beck made $32M in 09, Doesn't Care About Political Process

Rally For America

Here is a depressing thought. While millions of Americans are struggling with mounting bills and long-term unemployment, self-described "entertainer" Glenn Beck made $32 million in 2009.

His earnings come from speaking engagements, books sales, his radio show and TV show. I guess being a right-wing loony, and selling crap to gullible Americans is a lucrative business. (Further proof that Americans are not too bright.) It has made people like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter millionaires.

In an interview on Bill Maher's "Real Time," Keith Olbermann once said that most right-wing propagandists simply do it for the money. And if you need further proof of that consider this quote from Beck. In an interview with Forbes magazine he says, "I could give a flying crap about the political process. We're an entertainment company."

These people don't care about the issues, and they definitely don't care about the middle class and blue-collar Americans, they lionize. Rush Limbaugh can afford the best health care in the world, and so he doesn't care if average Americans are dying by the thousands because they can't get decent health coverage.

Limbaugh, a thrice-divorced, ex-junkie, whore monger, makes his living selling "traditional values" to blue-collar Americans. Coulter who makes racist jokes about Middle Easterners, was pictured with African American Jimmie Walker, who later proclaimed how much he loved her. And Beck, who equates social justice with socialism, is a member of the Mormon Church, who regularly set aside money for the poor and underprivileged. These people don't even believe in the very crap they are selling!

Beck says that he is a "regular guy." Hard to believe that when you have two bodyguards and are pulling down $32 million a year. So now Americans know these guys are just saying whatever they have to do to sell books and ads -- stop buying their products!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spitzer Says He Won't Rule Out Running Again

New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer Linked To Prostitution Ring

Former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer's rise and fall is the very definition of meteoric. One minute he was the crusading New York Attorney General, next he was N.Y. governor, being whispered as a potential presidential candidate, and then after a sex scandal, he was gone.

Spitzer, who had developed a reputation for being a crusading attorney who had the guts to take on Wall Street, was obviously taken out. He was getting close to launching a lawsuit against the firms, who had almost bankrupted the economy, by getting working-class Americans to sign up for loans they couldn't afford, and then betting on people defaulting on those same loans. Writing in the Washington Post, Spitzer said, "Not only did the Bush administration do nothing to protect consumers, it embarked on an aggressive and unprecedented campaign to prevent states from protecting their residents from the very problems to which the federal government was turning a blind eye."

Spitzer's problem is that he was a hypocrite, he was using the services of a sex worker, while prosecuting other people for the same crime. Spitzer is not the first politician to use a prostitute, and he won't be the last. By the way, did you know that there was a governor whose name was on the escort services books, and Spitzer was never charged with anything?

The charges seemed to be a laser-guided smear campaign designed to derail Spitzer's career. Apparently he was making some very powerful people nervous. But, his sins do not stop him from being right. Spitzer has begun to rebuild his career with media appearances and writing gigs. I hope for the sake of the American public that he still stays vocal in his fight against corporate corruption. Just because he cheated on his wife, it doesn't mean his political career should be over.

In a forthcoming book by Fortune editor Peter Elkind titled "Rough Justice: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer," he says he hasn't totally given up on politics. If Louisiana Sen. David Vitter, who was busted for whoring while allegedly wearing a diaper, can have a political career, why can't Spitzer? Unfortunately, the juvenile American public loves to focus on sensationalism like blow jobs and hookers, instead of focusing on real issues, like corruption and torture.

Time, Not Socialism, Is the Tea Party's Worst Enemy

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G.A. Afolabi is a progressive blogger based on the Left Coast.