Thursday, April 8, 2010

Beck made $32M in 09, Doesn't Care About Political Process

Rally For America

Here is a depressing thought. While millions of Americans are struggling with mounting bills and long-term unemployment, self-described "entertainer" Glenn Beck made $32 million in 2009.

His earnings come from speaking engagements, books sales, his radio show and TV show. I guess being a right-wing loony, and selling crap to gullible Americans is a lucrative business. (Further proof that Americans are not too bright.) It has made people like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter millionaires.

In an interview on Bill Maher's "Real Time," Keith Olbermann once said that most right-wing propagandists simply do it for the money. And if you need further proof of that consider this quote from Beck. In an interview with Forbes magazine he says, "I could give a flying crap about the political process. We're an entertainment company."

These people don't care about the issues, and they definitely don't care about the middle class and blue-collar Americans, they lionize. Rush Limbaugh can afford the best health care in the world, and so he doesn't care if average Americans are dying by the thousands because they can't get decent health coverage.

Limbaugh, a thrice-divorced, ex-junkie, whore monger, makes his living selling "traditional values" to blue-collar Americans. Coulter who makes racist jokes about Middle Easterners, was pictured with African American Jimmie Walker, who later proclaimed how much he loved her. And Beck, who equates social justice with socialism, is a member of the Mormon Church, who regularly set aside money for the poor and underprivileged. These people don't even believe in the very crap they are selling!

Beck says that he is a "regular guy." Hard to believe that when you have two bodyguards and are pulling down $32 million a year. So now Americans know these guys are just saying whatever they have to do to sell books and ads -- stop buying their products!

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G.A. Afolabi is a progressive blogger based on the Left Coast.