Thursday, December 31, 2009

Coulter Recylces Madrassa Lie

Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People
Some liberals like to watch FOX News, just to monitor what the loonies are saying. I don't even bother. There is no point in me filling my head with garbage. I have tried to watch FOX and it just gives me a headache. And this is an example, right-wing propagandist Anne Coulter was on FOX recently discussing the attempted bombing of a Detroit-bound plane. She said claimed that Barack Obama had more leeway to implement racial profiling procedures because he was black and attended a madrassa.

The madrassa story was circulated by FOX in 2007, and debunked by real news organizations like CNN. So when a story has been proven to be false, and so-called media figures continue to repeat that lie, that is just plain malicious. But then Coulter did write a book called "Slander," so I assume she knows what she is talking about.

Randall Terry Listed As One of the Whack Jobs of The Year

Rep. Moran and Howard Dean host town hall on healthcare in Reston, Virginia

Randall Terry

As we round out the year many media outlets are publishing their year end lists. With 2008's heated political rhetoric there were plenty of candidates for Whack Jobs of the Year. The Daily Beast's list features the usually suspects such as Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and Michelle Bachmann. However the list also include people they deem as left-wing nuts such as Rep. Alan Grayson.

One of the worst candidates is conservative Randall Terry, an anti-abortion activist, who has produced a video featuring a man in an Obama mask stabbing an old, white lady to death with Snoop's "Murder Was the Case" playing in the background. Is this guy on the Klan's payroll? See the video below.

British Colleges Are Training Ground for Future Bombers


Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab

I have read several articles talking about the growing Muslim presence in Britain, and I have even heard of London been referred to as Londonistan, because of the number of radical Islamic preachers.

Several of the 9-11 terrorists spent time in London, and Britain also had it's own terrorist attack, which is referred to as 9-9, when terrorists simultaneously attack buses in central London.

In this Daily Beast article, Venetia Thompson, a graduate of University College of London, says that British universities are rife with radical Islamic students. This is the same school that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the so-called underwear bomber, attended.

She says combined with the fact that many of these young men are studying engineering and other technical courses, it is a recipe for disaster. Thompson said many students arrive at college, friendless, lonely and away from home for the first time in their lives. They are easy targets to be recruited by radical preachers.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Romney Spokesman Doesn't Seem To Realiize That Hawaii is part of the U.S.

It's obvious that the GOP are desperate the days, but their attacks on President Barack Obama are getting increasingly ridiculous. Republicans have been trying to beat up on Obama because of his response (or lack of response) to the attempted bombing of an airplane in Detroit. Former Mitt Romney spokesman Kevin Madden attacked Obama for going to Hawaii for vacation, saying it seemed like "a foreign place."

Madden and other Republicans seem to have forgotten that Obama was born in Hawaii and the island has been part of the union since 1959. They also seemed to have forgotten that President George W. Bush, spent more time on vacation than any other president.

Iraq Veteran Seeks Sanctuary in Canada

Many Dead As Explosions Rock Baghdad

With attention now turned to Afghanistan, most Americans have largely forgotten about the effects of the Iraq war. But with the war in Afghanistan expanding and talk of more operations in Yemen, it is inevitable that the military will be under strain .

Here is a fascinating story about Rodney Watson, a kid who joined the military because he wanted to be a cook. He found himself in Iraq, and was given a rifle and told to go on bomb disposal duty. He also witnessed American troops abusing Iraqis and witnessed racism towards black soldiers.

After Watson's contract was up in 2007, he thought he was done with the military but was told that he had overlooked the fine print, and was going to be stop-lossed -- essentially told that he could not leave. Watson left for Canada and has sought sanctuary as a political refugee. Although he was denied refugee status by the Canadian government, he is being supported by the First United Methodist of downtown Vancouver. Watson has been declared a deserter by the U.S. military.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Liberman calls for War in Yemen

Saudi King Visits His Soldiers At Yemen Border - Jizan

Members of the Saudi royal family visit Saudi troops who are
helping to fight rebels in Yemen

Yeah, I had to look at this story twice. Former Democrat, turned RINO, turned Indepdendent Joe Lieberman is calling for the over-streteched U.S. military to open up another war front in Yemen.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian terrorist who tried to blow up a KLM plane in Detroit on Christmas Day, was apparently armed in Yemen. The Yemeni government is currently fighting a long-standing war against terrorists and seperatists, with assistance from American special forces teams who are alleged to be on the ground in Yemen training local troops and calling in air strikes. This is the way the war should have been handled in Afghanistan!

Where does Lieberman think we are going to get the troops from? We are already fighting two unfinished wars, and our troops are currently on their fourth rotations. (In World War II most troops only saw about two tours of duty.) America is also relying on hired guns, like Blackwater, to fight its wars. There are currently more contractors in Afghanistan than uniformed military. The mercs are largely unregulated and often cost much more than regular troops.

If the war is this serious, the obvious answer would be to reintroduce the draft. But that would be political suicide. At least it might get apolitical college students off their asses ...

GOP Says Racial, Religious Profiling is the Solution to Terrorism

Not surprisingly the latest attempted, terrorist attack has caused the neo-fascists in the GOP to call for the suspension of the constitution -- but only for people who "look like terrorists."

The Sunday morning talk shows were full of interviews with Republicans who called for profiling Muslims. The only problem with that idea is Al-Queda is a multi-national organization with people from several countries. The terrorist organization includes Africans, Arabs, South Asians and Causians. Let's not forget that John Walker Lindh, the so-called American Taliban, was a suburban white kid, who probably would have sailed through any profiling checks. Al-Quaeda also featured David Locke, an Australian, who looked as white as George Bush.

Racial profiling is a waste of time, but it will make a lot of racists happy -- which is probably the reason why it was suggested by Republicans. The Israelis, who probably have the best counter-terrorism operation in the world, do not rely on racial profiling. The Israelis have learned that terrorists soon figured ways to by pass scrutiny, by hiding bombs in the luggage of the white European girlfriends!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Palin Puts Four Journalists on Banned List

UPI POY 2009 - News and Features

Sarah Palin continues her media offensive for whatever future career she is going to choose, whether that's a book seller, TV show host or maybe even a politician.

But her decisions seem to be moving her father away from the political arena. In her latest PR disaster, Palin banned four journalists, who she didn't like, from covering one of her events in Alaksa.

It's never an good idea to block out the media, that just makes them madder. But it does put Palin in line with the Bush administration, who practised the same fascist tactics when it came to stifling the press.

Al Jazeera Cameraman Survived Guantanamo

Guantanamo Military Prison Stays Open As Future Status Remains Uncertain

Sami al-Hajj went through an adventure that gave him a great story. He only had to get locked up, shipped halfway across the world and thrown into a concentration camp. Al-Hajj was a freelance cameraman working for Al Jazeera who was rounded up when the United States invaded Afghanistan.

At the time, the U.S. believed that Al Jazerra was the publicity arm of Al-Queda and considered Al Jazeera journalists to be enemy combatants. Al-Hajj was later transferred to Bagram Air Base were he was tortured and later flown to Guantanamo where he witnessed and endured more torture. Al-Hajj's ordeal has left him with permanent physical and emotional scars.

He has returned to work with Al Jazeera and is also working as a human rights activist. One of his projects if building a case against former President George W. Bush and the other officials who sanctioned torture.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Socialism Hater Bachmann Has Received $250K in Farm Subsidies

2008 Republican National Convention: Day 2

Conservatives are fond of accusing government programs of being socialism. However they have no problem with corporate welfare like bailouts and defense contracting. It turns out that rabid right-winger Rep. Michelle Bachman is a welfare queen.

Although she has bashed government programs and voted against increasing Pell grants for college, it turns out her family farm has received about $250,000 in government subsidies over a 10-year period.

I guess people like Bachmann only hate government programs when they are helping poor people.

Steele Raking it in on the Lecture Circuit

RNC Chairman Steele Holds News Conf. On Dems Health Care Reform Proposal

Something tells me that Michael Steele will not see out his term as chair of the Republican National Committee. He was appointed as a knee-jerk reaction to Obama, and he is facing a party that is tearing itself apart at the seams. Steele is loathed by the neo-fascist (Nazi) wing of the Republican party. Former Klansman David Duke wrote a scathing letter when Steele was appointed leader. He is also having problems trying to bring the lunatic fringe (Teabbagers) into the mainstream.

Steele has a bad habit of attracting bad PR. He totally lost the respect of the black community when he kowtowed to serial racist Rush Limbaugh. Now there is word that Steele is pocketing $20,000 a pop on the lecture circuit. Aren't people politicians supposed to do that after they retire? Steele needs to remember that as a black man, people have less tolerance for your screw ups ...

Monday, December 21, 2009

CIA Used Phony Software to Detect Terrorist Messages

Meet The Press

Former CIA Director George Tenet

It's only now that we are learning how messed up the Bush administration's War on Terror was. First it was the failure to capture Osama Bin Laden at Tora Bora, and then it was the erronous invasion of Iraq, in search of non-existence Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Well, here another doozy. A Playboy story reports that sometime around 2003, the CIA started using software developed by Dennis Montgomery of eTreppid, which claimed it could decode terrorists messages hidden in Al-Jazerra television broadcasts. Yes, really.

The software was later discredited by French intelligence, but not before Homeland Security had issued several warnings. If the CIA had investigated Montgomery, they would have learn that he only had two years of college training, no science background and was a veteran conman with a gambling problem. His own lawyer described him as "habitual liar." With these guys protecting us, it's no wonder that the 9-11 attacks happened.

Media Matters Names Beck Misinformer of the Year

Congratulations to Glenn Beck, who caps a stellar year in which he called the president a racist, got dropped by 80 advertisers and cried on air. Media Matters added to Beck's honors by branding him Misinformer of the Year, although that could apply to the entire line up at FOX News.

Still Beck's on screen antics put him at the top of a dubious list. I can't believe that anyone watches him for news. Glenn Beck and serious political commentary should not be mentioned in the same sentence. The people who should be worried the most are Republicans, because Beck's band of lunatics, the Teabbaggers, are equally mad at the GOP as they are at the Democrats. The sad thing about Teabaggers is they are mad at someone, but they can't just figure out who it is. This is great case of the insane leading mad.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

West Bashes Obama, Says He Almost Went to Prison

BET Honors Show

Dr. Cornel West is one of the nation's preeminent Black intellectuals. In this article from, he discusses his recently published autobiography, "Brother West: Living Out Loud."

West, a self-avowed member of the far left, expresses disappointment that Obama has stocked his cabinet with left overs from the Clinton era. He also says that Obama ran as a liberal, but many of his cabinet picks are neo-liberals, who helped Bill Clinton push through some of his more controversial economic policies, such as loosening the reigns on Wall Street.

West says that he almost was imprisoned while he was a student at Harvard in the 1960s. Apparently a white female student was raped by a black man, and the local police were pressuring her to pin on it West, simply because he was the same color as her rapist. Fortunately the victim, stuck to her guns and refused to pin the crime on West. It is scary to think that one of the smartest men in America could have easily ended up wasting his talents in jail. This another damning indictment of the American legal system.

Paul Campaign Worker Resigns Over Racist Comments

Premiere Of Universal Pictures' "Couples Retreat" - Arrivals

Ron Paul

Many Republicans are fans of Ron Paul because of his libertarian and anti-interventionist ideas. (Basically, Ron Paul, a former Air Force officer, believes the U.S. military should withdraw from all foreign conflicts, and should only be used to defend the United States.) Paul also has some strong anti-government ideas, which is ironic because he has worked in the government for several years.

Paul's campaign was dogged by accusations that he wrote some racially offensive articles in a newsletter several years ago. Paul tried to brush off the accusations by claiming that he knew nothing about the articles, even though the newsletter bore his name.

Paul 's son, Rand, is running for a Kentucky senatorial seat. However his campaign suffered a severe embarrassment when it was discovered that his communications director, Christopher Hightower, had posted some racists comments on his MySpace page. Hightower was a member of a heavy metal band which spouted anti-black, anti-Semitic and pro-Satanic comments.

What is the deal with Republicans embarrassing themselves online? You would think that people would have figured that the whole world can read your social networking page. In the case of the Paul family and racism, they are on their third strike.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Bush's Katrina Flyover Named Tactical Blunder of the Decade

Protestors Call For Aid For Katrina Victims

Newsweek recently listed it's Top 10 blunders of the 2000s. President George W. Bush managed to make it there twice. He came in at no. 1 with his Katrina Flyover and no. 4 with his Mission Accomplished sign. (I think the Iraq debacle was the bigger disaster) Is it any surprise that Bush had two blunders on the list? Time recently named the 2000s as the Decade from Hell, and looking back on the financial screw ups, military blunders and natural disasters it's no wonder. I know people might be getting on Barack Obama, but I think people fail to appreciate the state that Dubya left us in. I doubt it Obama will have this cleaned up in eight years.

Daily Show Lampoons Birthers

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Obama's Socialist Christmas Ornament Program
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

The next time a crazy Teabaggers goes off on a rant about Obama being born in Kenya, show them this video. Apparently high school children are able to work their computers better than Conservatives. In this video Republicans accuse the Obama White House of trying indoctrinate children through Christmas.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Rep Aaron Schock Advocates Torture

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Illinois Congressman Aaron Schock is advocating torture as a way of elicting information from terrorists. So after the Abu Ghraib debacle, he is still advocating a policy which has been proven to be ineffective. You see Mr. Schock, when someone is delivering electric shocks (no pun intended) to your testicles, you tend to tell them whatever they want to hear, so they will just leave you alone.

Torture is a also a violation of the Geneva Convention, the Military Code of Conduct and several U.S. laws. FBI agents knew, this that is why their superiors asked them to leave when they saw what was going on at Abu Ghraib. Any evidence gathered by torture would be thrown out in court.

I've met people like Schock before, hard-core conservatives who say they favor a muscular military policy, but avoid the military like the plague. Does Schock think that torture is a valid policy to use on American soldiers who are captured by the enemy?

Former Hannity Associate Facing Charges, Threatened Journalist

Lt. Governor Candidate Ralph Reed Holds A Fund-Raiser With Zell Miller

The Republican party is currently trying to reform itself as minority friendly with the election of Michael Steel as chairman. (Whether that is a good or bad thing is a another column). But as I have mentioned before, there is still a troubling hard-core racist element in the party. You have the high-profile bigots like Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and Glenn Beck, but these media figures would not succeed unless there was support from them in the party.

Left-wing writer Max Blumenthal tells a disturbing story about Hal Turner, a Neo-Nazi radio show host, who was on the FBI payroll as an informer. Turner, a former member of the New Jersey Republican party, has a disturbing past, which includes close ties to Sean Hannity. Turner used to be a regular caller to Hannity's radio show, because he had been given him a special call in number. When Hannity made it to prime time on FOX News, he tried to distance himself from Turner. Turner also worked for Pat Buchanan when he ran for president in 1992.

Blumenthal says that Turner has made death threats to Democratic candidates and left-wing writers (including himself,) which is really disturbing since the FBI was paying him about $100,000 a year. Turner's federal trial was declared a mistrial, but he is facing charges in Brooklyn and Connecticut for inciting violence against state lawmakers.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Feds Indict Five Men in Immigrant Death

Holder, Geithner And Donovan Discuss Crackdown On Financial Fraud

Back in the worst days of Jim Crow, Southern white juries used to regularly practise jury nullification. This would happen when a white person was charged with killing a black person, and the jury would sweep the crime under the carpet.

This happened a few months ago in Shenandoah, Pa., where two white youths were acquitted on charges of beating Luis Ramirez, an undocumented immigrant to death. (They were later convicted on misdemeanor assault charges.) The two youths accosted Ramirez in a park and beat him while they shouted racial epithets. Now it turns out the case has been picked up by federal prosecutors, who have indicted five men in the case.

Three members of the Shenandoah Police Department were included in the indictment and are facing charges of obstruction of justice, witness and evidence tampering and making false statements. (One of the police officers was dating one suspect's mother.) I know police officers have a tough job, but how is the public expected to have any faith in officers of the law who willingly break the law? It's sad, but these cases do not surprise me any more.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Limbaugh Says Obama is "Power Thirsty Little Man-Child"

This formula is getting old. Every few days conservative propagandist Rush Limbaugh says something outrageous, and then the media gets all in fuss over it. Limbaugh does this to get ratings, and he knows he has to keep coming up with more outrageous things to say. Limbaugh's show should come with a disclaimer that says "for entertainment purposes only," unfortunately there are some people who believe everything he says. Limbaugh's arguments don't stand out to scrutiny, this is a guy who has a four-hour daily show which brings him millions of dollars. He also said that his talent is "on loan from God." Maybe Limbaugh is jealous because Obama has managed to keep a woman and impregnate her -- two things Limbaugh will never do.

Right-Wing Website Site Posts Offensive Immigrant Song

RNC Chairman Steele Holds News Conf. On Dems Health Care Reform Proposal

This headline might be redundant, because if an offensive song turns up online, the chances are that it will be on a right-wing site. Human Events posted a parody of "Felize Navidad" on it's web site, which includes charming lyrics such as "Illegals in my yard, Throw them some pesos and they work so hard." Real funny. A few months ago Bill Maher said that not all Republicans were racists, but if you were a racist, there is a good chance that you are Republican.

I have said this before, but it seems as if the GOP needs to have a come to Jesus meeting about race. The party has a reputation of being a pro-White (and anti non-white), and it is not helping when these offensive incidents keep cropping up. One way to ensure that the GOP stays a minority party is appealing to white people, a shrinking minority in a country where Latinos are the fastest growing ethnic group.

Having a black face as the leader (Michael Steele) is not going to solve the problem.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

SNL Calls Out The Media on Woods Scandal

"Saturday Night Live" nails the media again for it's over coverage of the Tiger Woods scandal. Sometimes you wonder if this is a deliberate attempt to divert the public's attention from real problems such as the economy, Afghanistan and the excesses of Wall Street. The American media seems to have forgotten its job is to educate and inform people, and now concentrates on giving people a steady diet of entertainment, all the while keeping them ignorant on important issues. I compare it to a parent who feeds their kids a steady diet of junk food, but never gives them fruits or vegetables. I can't see the news value of Woods' mistresses being interviewed on morning TV.

Arpaio Going After Judges, Political Opponents

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio Conducts An Immigration Raid

In case you haven't heard of Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona, he is the 21st century version of Bull Conner. He specializes in keeping prisoners in tents, marching them in chain gangs and making them wear pink underwear. His jail has also faced several lawsuits for inmates deaths, inmate miscarriages and other human rights abuses.

Arapaio specializes in conducting immigration sweeps, where his goons pretty much arrests anyone who looks "foreign," including American citizens. (That means anyone who is not white.) If this sounds like it is against the law, it is and the Justice Department is currently conducting an investigation into Arpaio over accusations of civil rights abuses and racial profiling.

Arapaio, who has conducted several shady business deals, has now taken to launching investigations into his political opponents including a judge. Let's hope that Sheriff Joe soon gets to see the inside of some of his own jails.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Viggo Mortensen Takes on Sarah Palin

New York Premiere of Dimension Films' "The Road" - Arrivals

Film star Viggo Mortensen warns that Sarah Palin won't go away. In this interview with the Daily Beast, he compares her to former President George W. Bush, who was also underestimated by the media. He says that the former Alaska governor is improving her speaking skills. Bush's grammar was also awful, but he somehow managed to identify with the American public. However Bush did come from a hugely influential political family, who were able to throw their weight behind. Let's hope that we don't go down that road again.

Beck Insults Indian Americans, Indian Schools

Obamas Host Indian Prime Minister Singh At The White House

In Glenn Beck's latest bigoted rant he accuses Indian schools of not turning out decent doctors and ignores the fact that the country has a burgeoning middle class. (Didn't he watch "Slumdog Millionaire"?)

Beck's argument is not based on any form of logic. India has some of the best schools in the world and that is the reason why Indian graduates are sought out across the globe. A large chunk of the brain power in American graduate schools is Indian, and Indians play a significant role in the medical field in both the United States and Britain.

Beck also says that he does not want "discounted wages" in the United States, but then goes on to attack unions, who fight to give American workers a living wage! Plus, Beck's alleged party, the GOP, are in favor of shipping American jobs abroad and driving down wages here. To paraphrase Ice-T's comment on pimping, trying to find logic in Beck's show is like trying to explain astrophysics to a wino.

I guess Beck seems to be intent on having all non-white Americans hate him, which is really smart, since the country is becoming browner by the minute. But, I guess, he knows his audience ...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Republican Faces Charges for Rough Sex

Former Missouri Speaker of the House charged with assult
Meet Rod Jetton, a former Missouri state senator. As a legislator Jetton voted to maintain a state ban on gay sex and called it "deviate behavior." Jetton was recently charged with felony assault after her drugged and had rough sex with a girlfriend. (He claims she failed to use the safe word.)

Grayson Tells Cheney to STFU

Bernanke Testifies Before Senate On New Financial Regulatory Rules

You got to love Rep. Alan Grayson, the outspoken first-term congressman from Florida. He has already called out the Republicans for their health care policies, which value money over lives.

He has also taken on former Vice President Dick Cheney. Recently he told Cheney to STFU, (that stands for for Shut the F*** Up, in case you didn't know) after Cheney accused President Obama of giving aid to the enemy.

Grayson admits that he may not have a long political career, but at least he has the courage to stand for his convictions, and say what many Democrats seem to be too scared to say. Go on with your badself Alan!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Healthcare Company Dumps Policy Holders To Raise Profits

Various Health Care Reform Opponents Protest On Capitol Hill

If there was a story to indicate the problems with the American for-profit healthcare system, this is it. Aetna is planning to dump 600,000 policy holders to make sure the company turns a profit. This story sums up the problem with the American healthcare system. Health insurance companies make money by denying people coverage. You pay them a premium, and they make money by denying or delaying your service. That is the only way they make money.

Insurance companies don't make a product, all they do is provide lousy service. They are blood-sucking middle men, who profit by slowing down service to patients and payments to doctors. Healthcare is a business which simply does not work on the for profit system. The healthcare companies are also following the policies of Corporate America, where companies raise profits by laying off workers.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Right-Wing Blogs Run Fake Story About Muslim Terrorists

24: Redemption NYC Premiere - Screening
Did you hear the story about Tedd Petruna, who was got on a flight full of suspicious looking, porn-watching Arabs who didn't speak English? Then Petruna and a handy Texan managed to thwart the would-be terrorist all by themselves Well if it sounds like an episode of "24," that's not surprising because the whole thing was made up! But that didn't stop right-wing bloggers from running it like the gospel truth. It also made it to Glenn Beck's 9-12 blog, which is not surprising.

Confessions of An Economic Hitman

The Right Livelihood Award Ceremony - Stockholm

If you've ever wondered why the United States fights so many wars, and why poor countries remain poor, read this article. This is an interview from Amy Goodman's (above) "Democracy Now," featuring John Perkins, a self-described economic hitman. Perkins used to fly around the world convincing developing countries to take loans they could not afford. When the companies defaulted on the loans, the banks would seize their assets, oil, land, ect. If a leader refused to play ball, the military would simply invade the country and seize their assets. Sound familiar?


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G.A. Afolabi is a progressive blogger based on the Left Coast.