Friday, April 16, 2010

Conservative Columnist Says Palin is Just A Reality TV Star

Meet The Press
David Brooks

Here is news for all you Sarah Palin fans. You are delusion. Palin will never run for national office and she is about as likely to be elected president as Sponge Bob Square Pants.

This should be glaringly obvious to anyone who has sat through her shallow, rambling, grammar-free speeches. But there is more news to imply that Palin has no interest and no chance of becoming president. News reports this week show that Palin raked in $12 million after she resigned as Alaska governor. Another report detailed her extravagant travel requests which include bendable straws, limos and private jets.

But here is the coup de grace from New York Times columnist David Brooks. Brooks, a conservative, dismisses Palin as nothing more than a Reality TV star and urges people to focus on real politicians. In a recent discussion with Times' columnist Gail Collins, Brooks said, "She is a half-term former governor with a TV show. She is not going to be the leader of any party and doesn’t seem to be inclined in that direction."

Brooks argues that Palin functions as a Rorschach test for both sides, left and right, to project their views on. To Republicans, she is a gun-toting, pin-up gal who espouses traditional family values (even though her daughter had a child out of wedlock.) To Democrats, she is an ignorant, shallow Christian fundamentalist. But either way, we won't ever have to worry about Palin presidency.

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G.A. Afolabi is a progressive blogger based on the Left Coast.