Monday, November 23, 2009

Hutchinson: Ignore Beck and Co.

Civil Rights Pioneer Rosa Parks Remembered

Earl Ofari Hutchinson (red shirt) is pictured here with other civil rights leaders as they pay tribute at the Rosa Parks Freeway.
I respect Earl Ofari Hutchinson's political opinions, but I am not sure if I agree with him here. He says that left-wing commentators and the Main Stream Media are wrong to focus so much energy on FOX, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin. Hutchinson says that the more criticism they receive, the stronger they get. Beck and FOX thrives on controversy, because that means more ratings. I am torn, while I realize that it is probably better to ignore the blowhards on the right, I believe that we need to monitor what they say and keep them accountable.

1 comment:

  1. You can't hold them accountable, generally speaking. For one thing, they are inveterate liars. For another, they lie so frequently and so compulsively that they might actually be able to claim it as a defense in a court of law - you have to prove that they KNOW that they are lying to win libel/slander/defamation of character cases.

    Any critical attention you direct at them feeds their (fabricated for ratings) persecution complex. These are people of zero conviction and zero journalistic integrity who feed off the appearance that others are fixated on "silencing" them for "speaking truth to power." Ignoring them is the most viable way to disempower them.



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G.A. Afolabi is a progressive blogger based on the Left Coast.