Thursday, February 18, 2010

Right-Wing Commentators Don't Believe Their Own Hype

5th Annual TV Land Awards - Arrivals

Jimmy Walker and Ann Coulter

Jimmy Walker Brags About His Romance With Far-Right Commentator Ann Coulter

MSNBC host Keith Olbermann once said that most right-wing commentators are just in it for the money. If you ever needed further proof of this, consider shrill neo-fascist commentator Ann Coulter.

Coulter, who extols family values, is 48 and never married. She has an active social life, which I assume must include extra marital sex, and has dated liberals in the past. (even though she has called them treasonous.) Coulter is infamous for her racist comments such as calling for Muslims to be "sexed up" at airports. She also also referred to Arabs as "jihad monkeys" and "ragheads" and defended white supremacists. She defended the Conservative Citizens Council, an organization which claims that blacks are interior to people of European descent. (I wonder how they feel about her dating choices?). Commenting on Barack Obama's book, "Dreams of My Father," Coulter said, "Here's an insider scoop about white people: We're not thinking about you. Especially WASPs. We think everybody is inferior, and we are perfectly charming about it. " She also was fired from the conservative National Review for saying that America should invade "Muslim countries and force them to convert to Christianity."

Now we hear stories that Jimmy Walker (J.J. from "Good Times.") is extolling the virtues of his loving relationship with Coulter. Yeah, wrap your mind around that for a while. This is not surprising because rumors about this have been floating around the blogosphere for years. "The Boondocks" also depicted Coulter in a relationships with a shiftless black man. (Turns out they were pretty close to the truth.) See the video below.

Consider the lifestyle choices of these right-wing commentators:

  • Rush Limbaugh, a rabid homophobe and misogynist, has been divorced three times and never fathered any kids. He also lived separately from third wife for the last 10 years of their marriage and took an all-male trip to Dominican Republic, a notorious child sex hot spot. Limbaugh was busted returning to the U.S. with a bottle of Viagra,
  • Radio show host Michael Savage, who was booted from MSNBC for making homophobic comments, was pictured nude with his close friend Timothy Leary, a noted homosexual. Savage who espouses neo-racist views is Jewish and his real name is Michael Wiener.
  • Armstrong Williams, a discredited right-wing commentator and longtime bachelor, has been accused of sexual harassment twice -- by men.
  • Bill O'Reilly, who bills himself as Mr. Conservative Family Values, bragged about cheating on his wife with hookers and settled a $5 million sexual harassment lawsuit. The employee who filed the suit had O'Reilly on tape making explicit sexual comments.
  • Glenn Beck says he is "just an ordinary guy" but makes about $20 million a year. He is also a former drug addict who has said that he "doesn't feel comfortable around black people," and belongs to a religion, whose founder thought that black people were cursed by God.

Coulter's hypocrisy indicates that most right-wing media figures are just putting on a show. They are like the "heels" in pro-wrestling. Heels are the cartoonish villains that audiences love to hate. Many wrestlers say they prefer playing the heel because they make more money. Just like in the movies the villains get all the good lines. But when the show is over, the heels probably go out and share a beer with the "good guys."

Well that is what is going on in the political arena. Commentators like Coulter, Beck, Hannity and Michael Savage don't believe their hype. They make outrageos comments to sell books, push ads and get ratings -- and they get handsomely rewarded for it.

Limbaugh often says he is just a comedian, and I think we need to take him at his word. But don't believe what Limbaugh and fellow right-wing commentators are saying, because they sure don't. They just want to keep white people angry and keep the dollars rolling in. Remember what Rev. Rollo Goodlove, from "The Boondocks, says about Coulter, "She just do that for that redneck money."

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G.A. Afolabi is a progressive blogger based on the Left Coast.