Saturday, February 27, 2010

GOP Lacking Decent Candidates for 2012

Newt Gingrich Discusses U.S. Budget Process In Washington

Newt Gingrich

While the mainstream media seems to fueling the story that the Democrats are in trouble, the Republicans are not exactly in great shape either. The recent CPAC poll shows the lack of viable Republican candidates for 2012. Rep. Ron Paul, a fan of the libertarian crowd, was the surprise winner of the poll, but he comes with all kinds of baggage.

Ron Paul, and his family, have been linked to racial scandals on at least three occasions. The latest thing I discovered was a picture of Paul arm-in-arm with Derek Black, a second generation white separatist, who ran for a GOP post in Florida. There is a saying from Ian Fleming's "Goldfinger," "Once is pure chance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action." So according to Paul's track record and the company he keeps, it seems clear where he stands.

The other candidate that conservatives are excited about is former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, the genius behind the Contract on America and impeachment of President Bill Clinton. When the smoke from the impeachment, cleared Gingrich and his replacement Rep. Dan Burton were both out of a job, and Clinton was still in office.

Gingrich, who has formed a PAC, also has a pretty messy personal life. He is currently on his third wife, and was having oral sex with a staffer, while he was trying to get Bill Clinton fired for the same thing. (He did this so he could claim that he was not extra martial intercourse.) Gingrich may believe that he washed away his sins by converting to Catholicism and confessing to Focus on the Family founder James Dobson, but I doubt if the media will be as forgiving.

The best candidate seems to be Mitt Romney, but he failed to capture the nomination last time. And with the Republican party currently being hijacked by the far right, I doubt if Romney or Paul could get elected. There is always the wild card Sarah Palin, but that seems to be more of a media story than anything else. Palin's poll numbers are abysmal, and she is too far right to win over moderate parts of the country.

It also seems that Republicans are beginning to cotton onto the fact that Palin is shallow. Bill O'Reilly recently said she needs to go back to "political college," and Jeb Bush said GOP candidates need to show "more intellectual curiosity." Who do you think he was referring to?

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G.A. Afolabi is a progressive blogger based on the Left Coast.