Friday, February 19, 2010

Right Wingers Call for Obama's Impeachment

Harry Reid Joins Obama At Town Hall In Nevada

High Crimes Include Auto Bail Out, Health Care, Stimulus

You got birthers, tea baggers, and tenthers, now we need a name for conservatives who are calling for President Obama's impeachment. (Maybe we can call them "peachers?")

In this video from Think Progress, Caleb Heimlich, spokesman for the Impeach Obama campaign, explains why he thinks the president needs to be removed. He quotes Gerald Ford, who said that "anything is an impeachable offense." Actually what Ford said, was "an impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history."

Well since, the House is currently controlled by the Democrats, it is unlikely that they would pass a vote for an impeachment. You would have though that the Republicans would have learned from the last time they tried to impeach a Democrat. Obama is accused of high crimes like bailing out the auto companies, health care legislation, and the stimulus bill. (Although all three pieces of legislation were voted on by Congress, so they should also be held responsible.)

It ironic, that some Republicans want to impeach Obama who has been in office for about a year, yet they said nothing when the Bush-Cheney administration was committing high crimes such as war profiteering, torture and holding an American citizen without trial!

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G.A. Afolabi is a progressive blogger based on the Left Coast.