Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Americans Don't Seem To Realize That Obama is Succeeding

U.S. President Obama signs National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform order in Washington

I have said it before, and I will say it again FOX News is propaganda. They are not in the news business, they are in the truth creation business. FOX News' goal is to keep people ignorant of the truth, and keep them believing the Republican version of reality. And in that world, the Democrats are responsible for the deficit, Obama wants to ruin the country and there were no terrorist attacks under George W. Bush.

Don't believe the hype. FOX News operates under one of the classic principles of propaganda. That is repeat the lie over and over again, until people believe it's true. Unfortunately, it seems to be working, as many Americans frustrated with the slow economy are threatening to vote out the party in power. But here are some facts. And remember, I am a poor blogger who is not being supported by any commercial interests. I have no corporate master's telling me what to write about, or what not to write about.

  • The Stimulus Worked. Contrary to what some sections of the media are reporting, the economy is turning around slowly and the Stimulus plan actually worked. Some economists like Paul Krugman say the Stimulus Bill, which totalled around $800 billion, was not extensive enough. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the Stimulus created 2.1 million jobs. Without the Stimulus unemployment would have been about 11 percent. Economists from the National Association of Business Economics predict the economy will grow by 3.1 percent this year. Some economists have claimed that without government intervention we would have been looking at 30 percent unemployment. And you can only imagine the type of anarchy that would have been unleashed with statistics like that!
  • Obama is successfully waging the war in Afghanistan. Former VP Dick Cheney may get on TV every Sunday to complain about the war in Afghanistan, but the experts on the ground have a different view. Obama has successfully refocused the military's energies on Afghanistan and the man who was behind 9-11. A Daily Beast article lays out the successes against Al-Queda by pointing out how they are now resorting to sending confused men with bombs in their pants to the attack the U.S. Less than 10 years ago, they managed to coordinate a four-pronged attack, that knocked down the Twin Towers and damaged the Pentagon. Some Bush officials have actually complained that Obama is killing too many terrorists!
  • Prosecuting terrorists in court and not torturing them works. Before we thought that most terrorists were wild-eyed fanatics who wouldn't talk even if their feet were literally held to the fire. The truth is a little different. American interrogators have gotten terrorists to talk by using tried and true techniques like negotiating and exploiting family ties. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian underwear bomber, is alleged to be cooperating with authorities after his family was flown to the United States. American resident Najibulah Zazi, a terrorist who was captured attempting to bomb the New York subway system, has also proved to be a wealth of information, after cutting deals with prosecutors to avoid prosecuting his parents.

So Obama is turning around the economy and successfully killing and prosecuting terrorists. Now if he could only get health care fixed ... Of course the Republicans are pretty much voting down all of Obama's legislation, even the Jobs bill, which would help put Americans back to work. Okla. Sen. Tom Coburn said that Republican like gridlock, because it prevents anything from getting done. And Rush Limbaugh, the unofficial leader of the GOP, has said that he wants Obama to fail. These are the same people who applauded when Chicago didn't get the Olympics. So voters please remember this when November comes around and when you are looking at your empty 401k. The GOP has shown you where they stand, now it's up to you to show them where you stand.

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G.A. Afolabi is a progressive blogger based on the Left Coast.