Friday, January 8, 2010

Ex-Conservative Facing Death Threats

If there was any doubt that the American conservative movement has gone off the rails and is now feeding on itself like a bunch of crazy sharks, consider the case of Charles Johnson.

Johnson, the owner of the political blog, Little Green Footballs, made news last year when he penned an article laying out why he was washing hands of the right. He complaints included fascism, white supremacy, bigotry, rabid hatred of Obama and anti-science attitudes -- the usually stuff.

The story, while surprising, is not the first case of a political activist who had switched sides. Left-wing writers Arianna Huffington and David Brock, both started out as Conservatives. David Horowitz, once a hard-core leftist, is now a rabid right winger. However Johnson was hit by a flood of death threats and has now had to move to a gated community.

If there was ever a way to convince people you are not crazy, threating one of your own with violence is not it.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing surprises me, when it comes from the thick head swine of the right. What was the Bush Coalition? Millionaires and Morons.



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G.A. Afolabi is a progressive blogger based on the Left Coast.