Saturday, January 16, 2010

Journalist Says Religious Right Sowed the Seeds for American Fascism

Faithful Gather For Funeral Of Jerry Falwell

Pat Robertson, one of the leading voices
in the American Evangelical movement

If you ever wondered where the Teabbaggers, deathers and other angry, white men came from, Chris Hedges has the answer. In his book, "American Fascists," he details how Conservative Christians could easily move the nation towards fascism. He also adds that the dire economic situation, which President Barack Obama inherited, has left a landscape full of angry, disenfranchised American workers.

Many of these workers, believe that these are the last days, and Barack Obama is the Anti-Christ. The Christian Right's apocalyptic fantasy appeals to them.

The Evangelical movement partnered with corporatists to produce the Bush administration, which moved America as close to fascism as we have ever come. The Bush government had many of the characteristics of a fascist regime. Authoritarian government, check; melding of the state and corporate interests, check; and accusing dissenters of being unpatriotic, check.

If the idea of a Christian-dominated authoritarian government doesn't frighten you, consider this. American Evangelicals motivated legislation in Uganda that called for the execution of gays. I can easily imagine an American Fascist party calling for the ejection of people from certain countries. Republican congressman J. Gresham Barett has already introduced legislation that calls for the expulsion of legal residents from countries linked with terrorism. And you also have right-wing commentators, such as Anne Coulter who have called for the execution of traitorous liberals.

The scary thing about this movement is the power of religion and how dangerous it can be when mixed with a far-right agenda. If a pastor stood up in church and told his congregation that God had instructed him to kill all the gays and Muslims, I am afraid that many people would follow his instructions.

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G.A. Afolabi is a progressive blogger based on the Left Coast.