Sunday, January 31, 2010

Witness in GOP Voting Fraud Case Died in Plane Crash

I am a big fan of political thrillers and I love conspiracy shows like "The X-Files," "Fringe" and Jesse Ventura's "Conspriacy Theory." It's easy to dismiss conspiracy theories, but I believe truth is often stranger than fiction. Watergate sounds like a cheap pulp novel, but the fact is it happened. Just last week, a team of GOP operatives, lead by "filmmaker" James O'Keefe, was busted posing as telephone repair men and attempting to bug the offices of Sen. Mary Landrieu.

It seems that the Obama administration has agreed to overlook the many crimes of the Bush administration. One of those crimes was allegations of vote rigging in Ohio, which was a critical swing state. Although unemployment was high in 2004, the state still mysteriously voted for Bush. There were many complaints of faulty voting machines in black neighborhoods, and electronic votes dissapearing. Here are some facts:

Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, who was in charge of verifying votes in the state, was a member of the Bush campaign. He also gave a $100 million contract to Diebold to supply voting machines.
  • Diebold was also a major campaign donor to Bush. Blackwell also had shares in Diebelold when he awarded them the contract, which is a major conflict of interest.
  • Blackwell also hired Mike Connell, a GOP IT guru, who had a long history with the Bush family, to set up a state web site that provided election information. Connell's company GovTech, received a contract from Blackwell.
Blackwell is facing several lawsuits involving his actions in the 2004 Ohio elections. Connell was subpoened to testify in a case involving election tampering, but he died in a December 2008 plane crash, before he could appear in court. (Convenient don't you think?) Before his death, Connell said that his life was being threatened and his family has called for an investigation. There is an article in the February issue of Maxim, which details the mystery surrounding the death of Mike Connell, and his connection to the Ohio election.

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G.A. Afolabi is a progressive blogger based on the Left Coast.