Monday, May 31, 2010

America Needs to Switch to Green Energy -- Now

Mayor Gavin Newsom Announces Green Cab Milestone

The millions of gallons of crude oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico should be more than enough persuasion for Americans to kick their petroleum habit. They say that freedom isn't free, well neither is cheap gas. Cheap gas is paid for in American and Middle Eastern blood.

The American-led invasion of Iraq, which was first dubbed Operation Iraqi Liberation (OIL), has cost about 5,000 American lives and between 100,000 to 1.5 million Iraqi lives. This was done so American companies could have access to Iraq's oil reserves,which are the second largest in the world.

The war made a handful of oil executives very wealthy, and also ensured that Americans could keep driving big-honking, gas guzzlers. It also means that the air is less healthy and the Earth's climate continues to warm up.

Americans need to get behind green energy, fuel efficient vehicles and public transportation. This is slowly happening. Ford is investing $135 million in plants that will produce more clean-energy cars by 2012. And President Obama has proposed funding a high-speed rail system. The switch to clean-energy cars would also be a huge shot in the arm for the ailing American auto industry.

Imagine what would happen if people started switching to solar or electric-powered cars? It would mean a drive for new vehicles and new technicians.

Detroit plants would be humming as workers produced a new fleet of clean cars. Americans go back to work, stocks goes up, the climate improves and we stop fighting oil wars. What's the down side?

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G.A. Afolabi is a progressive blogger based on the Left Coast.