Sunday, May 23, 2010

Latinos Have Become America's New Whipping Boy

In my almost 40 years as a black man, I have seen and experienced more than my fair share of racism. I have seen acts that would make most white people's hair stand on end, and some acts that many people simply would not believe.

I have always believed that of all the ethnic groups in America, black people have it worst. But I am beginning to have second thoughts. The level of racism and hatred directed at Latinos is beginning to dwarf the discrimination that African Americans face. A recent Associated Press poll stated that 61 percent of Latinos face significant discrimination, compared 52 percent of African Americans.

These news reports back up the AP poll's findings:

Much of the vitriol directed at Latinos, like the Arizona pass laws, is mixed up with xenophobia and the erroneous belief that all Latinos are illegal immigrants. Republican politicians are tapping into the rage of blue-collar and middle class Americans, who are still reeling from the economic recession. Politicians would rather have angry white people direct their rage at poor brown people, instead of the reckless Wall Street executives who got rich while they wrecked the economy.

And that might be why the instigators of these new laws think they can get away with this new form of racism. Since undocumented workers are not supposed to be here, no one cares about them or will fight for their rights.

It is the worst form of hatred, because it is targets the most helpless segment of society. Much like criminals who victimize undocumented workers, these bullies want to beat up on defenseless people. But this really should not be surprising. Illegal immigration is tolerated because American companies like having workers who will work for slave wages and are too scared to complain. If you can drive down workers' salaries, that means more money for the shareholders. And one of the constant complaints from arch capitalists is that American workers cost too much and demand too many benefits.

One can only hope that all this anti-Latino rhetoric will shake voters, black, white and Asian, out of their apathy. The other side has shown us what direction they want this country go, now it's up to us to stop them.

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G.A. Afolabi is a progressive blogger based on the Left Coast.