Saturday, June 5, 2010

Palin's a MILF, Who Cares If She's an Airhead?

Conservatives Love Dumb Women -- As Long as They're Cute

Large Tea Party Rally Held In Sen. Harry Reid's Hometown Of Searchlight, NV

If you ever wondered why a shallow, hypocritical, media-whore like Sarah Palin ever became a national political figure, Bill Maher breaks it down. On Friday's "Real Time," Maher and his panel of guests, which included blogger Andrew Sullivan and director Judd Apatow, discussed the Sarah Palin phenomenon.

Maher says it all boils down to sex appeal. Yeah, Palin is a dim, wingnut who can barely string together an intelligent sentence, but she looks good. Basically, Conservative men still want to have sex with her, and for that they are willing to overlook her flaws. And that makes a lot of sense. If you consider that the Republican party is largely made of old, white men, it explains why they would idolize a pretty woman who speaks their language of God, guns and xenophobia.

Most of the female anchors on Fox News look like they came off a beauty queen assembly line. (Former FOX News commentator Angela McClowan is a former paegent contestant.) They are all pretty, mostly blonde and wear tight, form-fitting clothes. There have been memos showing that the female anchors were told to wear short skirts and show plenty of leg. The web site Right Wing News recently published a list of the top 15 Hottest Conservative Women in the New Media.

Conservatives seem to be under the impression that all left-wing women are hairy, hippies who don't wear deodorant. And because of that they are willing to tolerate the drivel spouted by Neocon bimbos like Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter.

Conservatives think the left hates Sarah Palin because she is attractive and has a big family. But as Jon Stewart said, the left just sees through her BS. They see her for what she is, a mannequin who makes a living parroting right-wing cliches.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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G.A. Afolabi is a progressive blogger based on the Left Coast.