Sunday, March 20, 2011

Phony Conservatives Court ‘Values Voters’


One of the mysteries of the GOP is it's relationship with so-called values voters. This issue has become especially pertinent considering that several Republican presidential candidates are planing to speak at “Rediscover God in America,” a telecast that will beamed to millions of church goers.

One of the speakers at this event is Newt Gingrich. Yes, that Newt Gingrich, who is married to his third wife, who used to be a staffer. The same Newt who got booted as speaker of the House for failure to impeach President Bill Clinton. While he was trying to impeach Clinton, Gingrich was also getting blow jobs from Callista, now wife no. 3. Apparently, he did this so he would not have to lie about having extra-marital sex. Like Clinton, apparently Newt does not consider oral sex to be sex.

My first thought when I read about this, why do social conservatives keeping buying this crap? You often wonder who is really fooling who here?

Most of the GOP presidential candidates seem to be sophisticated political operators and I doubt if they believe in the Rapture (even though they claim to) or really hate gays. Evidently they must be okay with gay people, because they tolerated former closeted gay man, Ken Mehlman, running the GOP during the Bush years.

The conservative voters who are supposed to suck up this family values crap, are not much better. The Conservative South is known for its frequent divorces and remarriages, high teen pregnancy rate and high STD rate.

The GOP sticks to these wedge issues because it knows that they will always garner the votes of “conservative” working, class people. It seems that while Jim Bob and Darlene, might like universal health care, voting against gay marriage and abortion is more important.

In reality, Americans love their porn, quickie divorces, the right to choose and don’t mind gay people, as long as they stay in the closet. And here are two statistics that indicate how conservative red states really are. According figures from the adult entertainment industry, the state that consumes the most online porn is conservative Utah, second only to Missippi. And the no. 1 day for online porn use? Sunday.

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G.A. Afolabi is a progressive blogger based on the Left Coast.